• Langeberg, McGregor, Dutch Reformed Church 

      Unknown author
      McGregor, Dutch Reformed Church. The Dutch Reformed Church in McGregor has its founding stone on 2 November 1909. The church has a rather small bell that hangs high up in the bell room inside the tower. It could not be ...
    • McGregor 

      Pretorius, Andre, 1935-2006
      2 Photographs depicting an unidentified farmhouse at McGregor.
    • McGregor 

      Pretorius, Andre, 1935-2006
      Photograph depicting an unidentified farmhouse at McGregor.
    • McGregor, Barry Street, cottages 

      Pretorius, Andre, 1935-2006
      3 Photographs depicting cottages at Barry Street, McGregor.
    • McGregor, Buitenkant Street, cottages 

      Pretorius, Andre, 1935-2006
      2 Photographs depicting cottages at Buitenkant Street, McGregor.
    • McGregor, cottage 

      Bester, Andreas
      Photograph depicting an unidentified cottage at McGregor.
    • McGregor, cottages 

      Pretorius, Andre, 1935-2006
      3 Photographs depicting unidentified cottages at McGregor.
    • McGregor, Die Erf 

      Pretorius, Andre, 1935-2006
      2 Photographs depicting Die Erf farm at McGregor.
    • McGregor, Koningsrivier 

      Pretorius, Andre, 1935-2006
      2 Photographs depicting Koningsrivier farm at McGregor.
    • McGregor, Long Street, long-house 

      Pretorius, Andre, 1935-2006
      Photograph depicting a long-house at Long Street, McGregor.
    • McGregor, Loop Street, cottages 

      Pretorius, Andre, 1935-2006
      4 Photographs depicting cottages at Loop Street, McGregor.
    • McGregor, Municipal Office 

      Pretorius, Andre, 1935-2006
      Photograph depicting the municipal office at McGregor.
    • McGregor, old Mill House 

      Pretorius, Andre, 1935-2006
      2 Photographs depicting the old Mill House at McGregor.
    • McGregor, old Police Station 

      Pretorius, Andre, 1935-2006
      Photograph depicting the old Police Station at McGregor.
    • McGregor, Rhebokskraal 

      Pretorius, Andre, 1935-2006
      6 Photographs depicting Rhebokskraal farm at McGregor.