• W. Bruckner de Villiers : begrafnis, 23 Julie 1948 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Address on behalf of Stlellenbosch University at the funeral of Senator W Bruckner de Villiers, 23 July 1948.
    • Die waarde van geskiedenis 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Address on the value of history and notes on the history of Clanwilliam, delivered 1 December 1950.
    • Waarom het jy universiteit toe gekom? 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Notes for a welcoming address for first year students at Stellenbosch University, 18 February 1965.
    • Waarvoor staan Geloftedag? 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Notes for an address on the meaning of the Dingaan's Day covenant, read before the ATKV, Hartenbos, 17 December 1956.
    • Waarvoor staan ons helde? 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Paper on South African heroes, mostly Voortrekkers, focusing on their values, including family life, purity of race and nationalism. Delivered at Heroes day celebrations, Vanrhynsdorp, 10 October 1941.
    • Wat beteken die Gelofte vir ons? 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Summary of an address on the meaning of the Dingaan's Day Covenant, read at Paardekraal, 16 December 1965.
    • Wat beteken Geloftedag vir ons? 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Address on the meaning of the Day of the Covenant, delivered in Paarl, 16 December 1982.
    • Wat die Hugenote vir Suid-Afrika beteken het 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Address on the influence of the Huguenots on South Africa, delivered at a Huguenot Festival, Moorreesburg, 5 May 1939.
    • Wat die Voortrekkers vir ons beteken 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Paper on the meaning of the Voortrekkers, focusing on various aspects including race relations, family life, nationalism and spirit of helpfulness. Delivered in Malmesbury, 10 August 1938 as part of Voortrekker centenary ...
    • Wat Dingaansdag vir ons moet beteken 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Paper on the meaning of Dingaan's Day, delivered in Fraserburg 16 December 1948 at a Dingaan's Day Festival.
    • Wat moet 'n afdeling doen om gesond en werksaam te bly? 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Notes for a lecture at the Bonnievale branch of the Afrikaner Broederbond on what divisions of the organisation should be doing to remain healthy and functional, 13 June 1952.
    • Wat van die Afrikaner? 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Radio talk on the Afrikaner to be broadcast on 31 May 1965.
    • Wat wil ons met Geloftedag? 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Summary of a paper on the Day of the Covenant, delivered in Stellenbosch, 16 December 1972.
    • Welkomswoord : Suid-Afrikaanse Sielkundevereniging Kongres 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Welcome address at the South African Psychological Association Congress, Stellenbosch, 5 July 1955.
    • Die wese en betekenis van die Afrikaner Broederbond : voorsittersrede 1954 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Chairman's address at the annual Afrikaner Broederbond Council ("Bondsraad") 1954.
    • Die wese van ons heldedom 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Notes for an address on South African heroes, delivered as part of Kruger Day celebrations, Steynsburg, 10 October 1961.
    • Die wetenskaplike en opvoedkundige grondslae van gedifferensieerde onderwys 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Paper on the foundations of the system of differentiated education, delivered at a School Inspectors' Conference of the Department of Coloured Affairs, 24 June 1974.
    • Wie is ’n held? 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Two papers on South African heroes, focusing on former presidents MT Steyn and Paul Kruger. Delivered at Heroes day celebrations, Bloemfontein, 10 October 1947.
    • Die wordingsgeskiedenis van die kindermonument 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Address delivered at the unveiling of the Children's Monument, Bloemfontein, 1 October 1959.