Now showing items 1-10 of 17
Brock Report on Bushman Food Plants of SWA 1952
Handwritten report with typed note, not recorded elsewhere, describing the far northern communities of San in Namibia. Localities: Gam, Tamsoe, M'pungu, Omavamba. Contains information on general topography, location and foods.
General food plants SWA, Botswana and Makapansgat
A list of general food plants of Namibia (SWA), Botswana and Makapansgat.
!Namkwa's mother wearing neck charm
!Namkwa's mother wearing neck charm.
!Namkwa's mother wearing neck charm
!Namkwa's mother wearing neck charm.
!Namkwa's mother wearing neck charm
!Namkwa's mother wearing neck charm.
!Namkwa's mother wearing neck charm
!Namkwa's mother wearing neck charm.
!Namkwa's sister holding antelope skin
!Namkwa's sister holding antelope skin.
!Namkwa's sister and child
!Namkwa's sister and child, suckling.
!Namkwa's sister and child
!Namkwa's sister and child, suckling.
Young bushman
Young bushman, field vehicle in background.