Now showing items 1-10 of 1509
In alles oorvloeding
Thanksgiving sermon held at Pretoria East entitled, "In all abundance".
Laat my lammers wei
Sermon held at Pretoria East entitled, "Let my lambs graze".
Die arme by jou
Sermon held at Loxton entitled, "The poor with you".
Die vyf sporte op die leer
Youth sermon held at Pretoria East entitled, "The five rungs on the ladder".
Verstandige koopmansbeleid
Youth sermon held for welcoming students at Pretoria East entitled, "Sensible merchant policies".
Arbeid en loon
Youth sermon held at Normal College entitled, "Labor and wages".
Begrafnis van Maritz Basson
Funeral sermon held for Maritz Basson entitled, "Funeral of Maritz Basson".
Die eerste dissipels
Baptism sermon held at Pretoria East entitled, "The first disciples".
Die reddingsdaad van God
Prayer day for rain sermon held at Loxton entitled, "The saving act of God".
Die vier kruisdraers
Passion tide sermon held at Wellington Dutch Reformed Church entitled, "The four cross bearers".