• Bird figures 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawing of bird figures, depicting detail of (a) Groote Schuur, Cape Town, (b) soapstone Acropolis, Zimbabwe (South African Museum, Cape Town), (c) South African Museum, Cape Town, (d) Philips ruins, Zimbabwe (National ...
    • Ingots 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawings of ingots, depicting detail of handa rimmed (Mpofu River), handa wide (Katanga), handa narrow (Zimbabwe), kwena mu-tsuku (Magaliesburg) and kwena tin ingot (Blaauwberg).
    • Iron gongs 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawing of iron gongs, depicting detail of Zimbabwe, Bisa and Lunda (Cazembe).