• Die nuwe ordes en die Christen se antwoord daarop 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Speech entitled, "The new orders and the Christian's answer to it".
    • Die nuwe verbond in my bloed 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Communion service held at Wellington Dutch Reformed Church.
    • Die nuwe Wilgenhof 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Article on the construction of the new building for Wilgenhof mens' residence, Stellenbosch University, written for "Die Burger" newspaper, 22 March 1963.
    • Nuwejaarsbede : Gods werk en ons werk 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Sermon held at Aasvoëlkop entitled, "New Year prayers: God's work and our work".
    • Nuwejaarsboodskap 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      New Years' message (radio talk) on behalf of the FAK (Federasie vir Afrikaanse Kultuurvereniginge), 1954.
    • Nyinsky 

      Coetzee, Christo, 1929-2000 (1988)
    • Die nylstroom van ons tyd 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Family sermon held at Loxton entitled, "The Nile stream of our time".
    • O Haupt voll Blut un Wunden 

      James, Christopher Langford, 1952-2008
      Manuscript book. Trio on ‘O Haupt voll Blut un Wunden' -- Psalm 121, for organ and four-part choir -- Selected verses from Psalm 51 for unaccompanied four-part choir -- Selected verses from Psalm 4 (vs 1, 3 & 8) for ...
    • O Lamm Gottes unschuldig 

      Grove, Stefans, 1922
      Score. Written for the Lutheran Services in Pretoria.
    • O. G. Malan Collection index 

      Manuscripts Section, Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service
      This index describes the O. G. Malan Collection and contains correspondence and other material concerning the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) -- CSIR matters (satelite and landsat data) -- South African participation ...
    • O. P. Dikgotsi 

      Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa (198?)
    • Oakley-Smith 001 

      Marks, David
      John Oakley-Smith.
    • Oakley-Smith 002 

      Marks, David
      John Oakley-Smith.
    • Oast-house 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Photographs and drawings depicting the Oast-house as well as the old winch inside the "taking-in" doorway of the Mariendahl Brewery.
    • Ober-Cantor Mandel 

      Unknown author (South African Zionist Federation, 1943-03-12)
      Newspaper article with references to music.
    • Oberkantor M Katzin 

      Unknown author (South African Zionist Federation, 1930-06-20)
      Newspaper article with references to music.
    • Obituary 

      Unknown author (South African Zionist Federation, 1930-10-03)
      Newspaper article with references to music.
    • Obituary 

      Unknown author (S.A. Amalgamated Jewish Press Ltd, 1926-06-18)
      Newspaper article with references to music.
    • Obituary : Isaac Weinbrenn 

      Unknown author (South African Zionist Federation, 1933-11-17)
    • Obituary : Joel Myerson 

      Unknown author (South African Zionist Federation, 1948-09-24)
      Newspaper article with references to music.