• Gebed en werk 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Youth sermon held at Pretoria East entitled, "Prayer and work".
    • Gebed in eksamentyd 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Youth sermon held at Briers Residence entitled, "Prayer in exam time".
    • Gebondenheid en vryheid 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Youth sermon held at Pretoria East entitled, "Bondage and freedom".
    • Gebrek aan visie 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Youth sermon held at Pretoria East entitled, "Lack of vision".
    • Die geheime poorte na die lewe 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Youth sermon held at Pretoria East entitled, "The secret gates after life".
    • 'n Geloofsgesig vir 'n groot taak 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Youth sermon held at Potchefstroom entitled, "A religious vision for a great task".
    • 'n Gesant op die woestynpad 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Youth sermon held at Pretoria East entitled, "A messenger on the desert road".
    • God's plan vir die jeug van ons kerk 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Youth sermon held at Pretoria entitled, "God's plan for the youth of our church".
    • Die goeie stryd 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Youth sermon held at Pretoria East entitled, "The good fight".
    • Die half klaar toring 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Youth sermon held at Pretoria East entitled, "The incomplete tower".
    • Heiligmaking 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Youth sermon entitled, "Sanctification".
    • Het God alles vooraf bepaal 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Youth sermon entitled, "Did God pre-determine everything".
    • Die hoogste prestasie 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Youth sermon held at Normal College entitled, "The highest performance".
    • Die hou van Bybelkringe 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Youth sermon entitled, "Keeping bible circles".
    • Huwelik : verhouding - verlowing - voltrekking 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Youth sermon held at Pretoria East entitled, "Marriage : relationship - engagement - completion".
    • Die ideale Voortrekker 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Youth talk at camp entitled, "The ideal Voortrekker".
    • In die naam van die Here 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Academic youth sermon held at Pretoria East entitled, "In the name of the Lord".
    • Is ons jeug ryp vir die uitdaging van sy tyd 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Youth sermon entitled, "Is our youth ripe for the challenge of its time".
    • Jesus is die Here 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Youth sermon held at Pretoria East as prayer day for students entitled, "Jesus is the Lord".
    • Jesus kan nie verborge bly nie 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Youth sermon held at Pretoria East entitled, "Jesus can not stay hidden".