• Matters Communal 

      Junior, Maimonides (S.A. Amalgamated Jewish Press Ltd, 1926-12-17)
      Newspaper article with references to music.
    • Matters communal 

      Unknown author (S.A. Amalgamated Jewish Press Ltd, 1925-01-30)
      Newspaper article with references to music.
    • Matters communal 

      Unknown author (S.A. Amalgamated Jewish Press Ltd, 1924-11-21)
      Newspaper article with references to music.
    • Matters Communal 

      Junior, Maimonides (S.A. Amalgamated Jewish Press Ltd, 1926-05-28)
      Newspaper article with references to music.
    • Matters Communal 

      Junior, Maimonides (S.A. Amalgamated Jewish Press Ltd, 1927-03-04)
      Newspaper article with references to music.
    • Matters of interest 

      Unknown author (S.A. Amalgamated Jewish Press Ltd, 1914-02-27)
      Newspaper article with references to music.
    • Matthews arrangements 

      Singer, Fay
      List of songs arranged by Matthew Reid for a Jewish Museum performance.
    • Matthews Concert on Sunday Night 

      Unknown author (South African Zionist Federation, 1945-05-25)
      Newspaper article with references to music.
    • Matzikama, Klawer, Dutch Reformed Church 

      Unknown author
      The Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk in Klawer has a tower where a bell hangs high up in the open air. Below the shoulder are two moulding rings with in between and on a lighter background FREUET EUCH IN DEM HERRN ALLEWEGE + ...
    • Matzikama, Vanrhynsdorp, Dutch Reformed Church 

      Unknown author
      The Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk in Vanrhynsdorp has two bells, one in the tower, the other in a neat pointed horseshoe tower aside from the church. The latter bell caries no decorations except for one moulding wire just ...
    • Matzikama, Vanrhynsdorp, Letsatsi Lodge 

      Perner, Rudolf
      Since 2015, the Former Catholic Church in Vanrhynsdorp belongs to the LETSATSI LODGE. Within the church is a remarkable, hand-painted site of the cross. Also a very neat painting of St. Elisabeth of Hungary with a mantle ...
    • Mauch ruins, Zimbabwe 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawing of Mauch ruins, Zimbabwe (after Caton-Thompson), depicting detail of 5 hut mounds, a drain and a stone platform.
    • Maund ruins, Zimbabwe 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawing of the Maund ruins, Zimbabwe (after Caton-Thompson), depicting detail of a cattle kraal and 8 hut mounds.
    • Maurice Chevalier at the Colosseum 

      Unknown author (South African Zionist Federation, 1933-10-11)
      Newspaper article with references to music.
    • Maurice Ravel on Jewish Music 

      Ewen, David (South African Zionist Federation, 1936-04-24)
      Newspaper article with references to music.
    • Mavivi Manzini 

      Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa (198?)
      South African politician and diplomat
    • Max du Preez interview 

      Du Preez, Max (2017-05-31)
    • Max Muller und sein Brief an die Deutschen : eine logische Studie 

      Metz, Adolf (Hamburg : Herold'sche Buchhandlung, 1900)
      German pamphlet discussing Max Mϋller's letter to the Germans.
    • Maya 

      Grove, Stefans, 1922
      Copy of manuscript score. "Ontrafeling en bevestiging." Contains markings in pencil.
    • Maya : fantasy for violin, piano and string orchestra in one movement 

      Grove, Stefans, 1922
      Manuscript score. "Spesiaal gekomponeer vir die P.E.U Jeugorkes onder leiding van Jack de Wet" [Composed for the University of Port Elizabeth Youth Orchestra under the direction of Jack de Wet]. Dedicated to Marushka (Alison ...