• General food plants SWA, Botswana and Makapansgat 

      Maguire, Brian
      A list of general food plants of Namibia (SWA), Botswana and Makapansgat.
    • General J. de la Rey 

      Unknown author (Haagsche Pro-Boer Vereeniging, 1900)
      Photograph depicting General Jacobus Herculas de la Rey, taken during the war.
    • General Sir Rufane Shawe Donkin, Surveyor-general of the Ordnance 

      Meyer, Henry, 1782/3-1847; Holl, W.
      Portrait of Sir Rufane Donkin.
    • Genesing vir gejaagdheid en gespannenheid 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Sermon held at Aasvoëlkop entitled, "Healing for flurry and tension".
    • The Genius of Yehudi Menuhin : Flawless Violin Playing 

      D. (South African Zionist Federation, 1935-10-04)
      Newspaper article with references to music.
    • Gentianaceae 

      Marloth, R. (Rudolf), 1855-1931 (1932)
      Plate 16 from The flora of South Africa (vol. 3, part 1) featuring Gentianaceae.
    • Gentianaceae 

      Marloth, R. (Rudolf), 1855-1931 (1932)
      Plate 15 from The flora of South Africa (vol. 3, part 1) featuring Gentianaceae.
    • The Gentle Art of Bouncing 

      Croft, Simon (1981-01)
      The article pertains to album produced by André Jacquemin for the HM group Powerhouse which was completed in 3 weeks. The author expands on Jacquemin's approach to new projects as well as his philosophies which drive his ...
    • Geographia sacra 

      Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598
      Coloured map. [Scale not given] 3 decorated insets:- 1, Giving authorities.- 2, Map of the world.- 3, In bottom right corner: Reverendo et illustridno Gulielmo Grimbergio, Antverpiensi praesuli dignissimo... This map ...
    • Geogre Zionist Society 

      Unknown author (S.A. Jewish Press (Pty.) Ltd., 1937-11-19)
      Newspaper article with references to music.
    • Die geopende deur 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Missionary work sermon held at Naboomspruit entitled, "The opened door".
    • Geopende deure vir 'n strydende kerk 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Pentecost sermon held at Olifantsfontein entitled, "Open doors for a fighting church".
    • Geopende deure vs groeiende teestand 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Confirmation sermon held at Aasvoëlkop entitled, "Opened doors vs growing opposition".
    • Georg Adolf Carl Kuschke Collection index 

      Manuscripts Section, Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service
      This index describes the Georg Adolf Carl Kuschke Collection and consists of documents beloging to H.F.L. Kuschke, missionary of the Berlin Missionary Society and G.A.C. Kuschke, teacher and school inspector, 1927-1933, ...
    • George 

      Pretorius, Andre, 1935-2006
      2 Photographs depicting an unidentified house at George.
    • George 

      Unknown author (South African Zionist Federation, 1938-12-02)
      Newspaper article with references to music.
    • George Arliss at the Colosseum 

      Unknown author (South African Zionist Federation, 1934-11-09)
      Newspaper article with references to music.
    • George Gordon Collection index 

      Manuscripts Section, Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service
      This index describes the George Gordon collection which consists of material belonging to Prof. George Gordon, mathematician. The following people also feature in the collection: M.C. Collins, Catherine Shand and Antoinette ...
    • George McCall Theal (papers 1) Collection index 

      Manuscripts Section, Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service
      This index describes the George McCall Theal (papers 1) collection which includes source material relating to Portuguese expansion in Africa and Asia by A.P. de Paiva, documents relating to Theal's History of South Africa, ...
    • George McCall Theal (papers 2) Collection index 

      Manuscripts Section, Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service
      This index describes the George McCall Theal (papers 2) collection which includes correspondence and other papers of G.M. Theal during his term of office as Native Agent for the Western Districts of South Africa. The ...