Browsing History by Author "Kaya Mandi Town Council"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Agreement with Reference to the Greater Stellenbosch Forum Area
African Christian Democratic Party; African National Congress; Cloetesville / Idas Valley Management Committee; Democratic Party; Eikestad Residents Association; Freedom Front (South Africa); Jamestown Action Group; Jamestown Area Committee; Jamestown Civic Association; Johannesdal Management Committee; Johannesdal Ratepayers and Tennants Association; Kaya Mandi Town Council; Klapmuts Steering Committee; Kylemore Management Committee; Kylemore Ratepayers and Residents Association; National Party (South Africa); Pan Africanist Congress of Azania; South African National Civic Organisation; Stellenbosch Housing Action Committee; Stellenbosch Municipality; Stellenbosch Ratepayers AssociationAgreement made and entered into by a number of political parties and civic associations and representative committees from the Stellenbosch area regarding the establishment of a transitional local council. -
Agreement with Reference to the Greater Stellenbosch Forum Area : Final Draft
African Christian Democratic Party; African National Congress; Cloetesville / Idas Valley Management Committee; Democratic Party; Eikestad Residents Association; Freedom Front (South Africa); Jamestown Action Group; Jamestown Area Committee; Jamestown Civic Association; Johannesdal Management Committee; Johannesdal Ratepayers and Tennants Association; Kaya Mandi Town Council; Klapmuts Steering Committee; Kylemore Management Committee; Kylemore Ratepayers and Residents Association; National Party (South Africa); Pan Africanist Congress of Azania; South African National Civic Organisation; Stellenbosch Housing Action Committee; Stellenbosch Municipality; Stellenbosch Ratepayers AssociationAgreement made and entered into by a number of political parties and civic associations and representative committees from the Stellenbosch area regarding the establishment of a transitional local council. -
Ooreenkoms met Betrekking tot die Groter Stellenbosch Forumgebied
African Christian Democratic Party; African National Congress; Cloetesville / Idas Valley Management Committee; Democratic Party; Eikestad Residents Association; Freedom Front (South Africa); Jamestown Action Group; Jamestown Area Committee; Jamestown Civic Association; Johannesdal Management Committee; Johannesdal Ratepayers and Tennants Association; Kaya Mandi Town Council; Klapmuts Steering Committee; Kylemore Management Committee; Kylemore Ratepayers and Residents Association; National Party (South Africa); Pan Africanist Congress of Azania; South African National Civic Organisation; Stellenbosch Housing Action Committee; Stellenbosch Municipality; Stellenbosch Ratepayers AssociationAgreement made and entered into by a number of political parties and civic associations and representative committees from the Stellenbosch area regarding the establishment of a transitional local council. -
Ooreenkoms met Betrekking tot die Groter Stellenbosch Forumgebied: Finale Konsep
African Christian Democratic Party; African National Congress; Cloetesville / Idas Valley Management Committee; Democratic Party; Eikestad Residents Association; Freedom Front (South Africa); Jamestown Action Group; Jamestown Area Committee; Jamestown Civic Association; Johannesdal Management Committee; Johannesdal Ratepayers and Tennants Association; Kaya Mandi Town Council; Klapmuts Steering Committee; Kylemore Management Committee; Kylemore Ratepayers and Residents Association; National Party (South Africa); Pan Africanist Congress of Azania; South African National Civic Organisation; Stellenbosch Housing Action Committee; Stellenbosch Municipality; Stellenbosch Ratepayers AssociationAgreement made and entered into by a number of political parties and civic associations and representative committees from the Stellenbosch area regarding the establishment of a transitional local council.