Now showing items 2621-2640 of 7840

    • Obituary : Joel Myerson 

      Unknown author (South African Zionist Federation, 1948-09-24)
      Newspaper article with references to music.
    • Zionist Conversazione 

      Unknown author (South African Zionist Federation, 1948-09-24)
      Newspaper article with references to music.
    • In and around the Peninsula 

      Unknown author (South African Zionist Federation, 1948-09-24)
      Newspaper article with references to music.
    • From my desk 

      Hasofer (South African Zionist Federation, 1948-09-24)
      Newspaper article with references to music.
    • Zionist Youth Activities 

      Unknown author (South African Zionist Federation, 1948-09-17)
      Newspaper article with references to music.
    • In and around the Peninsula 

      Unknown author (South African Zionist Federation, 1948-09-17)
      Newspaper article with references to music.
    • Forthcoming events 

      Unknown author (South African Zionist Federation, 1948-09-10)
      Newspaper article with references to music.
    • In and around the Peninsula 

      Unknown author (South African Zionist Federation, 1948-09-10)
      Newspaper article with references to music.
    • Magen David Adom 

      Unknown author (South African Zionist Federation, 1948-09-10)
      Newspaper article with references to music.
    • Zionist Youth Activities 

      Unknown author (South African Zionist Federation, 1948-08-27)
      Newspaper article with references to music.
    • Record-breaking total mounting 

      Unknown author (South African Zionist Federation, 1948-08-27)
      Newspaper article with references to music.
    • Sit Thomas Beecham 

      Unknown author (South African Zionist Federation, 1948-08-20)
      Newspaper article with references to music.
    • Israeli Campaign activity intensified 

      Unknown author (South African Zionist Federation, 1948-08-13)
      Newspaper article with references to music.
    • The Athens Ballet 

      Unknown author (South African Zionist Federation, 1948-08-13)
      Newspaper article with references to music.
    • Recital by Esther Salaman and Paul Hamburger 

      Unknown author (South African Zionist Federation, 1948-08-06)
      Newspaper article with references to music.
    • Israeli Orchestra performs in Jerusalem 

      Unknown author (South African Zionist Federation, 1948-07-30)
      Newspaper article with references to music.
    • Esther Salaman and Paul Hamburger 

      Unknown author (South African Zionist Federation, 1948-07-30)
      Newspaper article with references to music.
    • In and around the Peninsula 

      Unknown author (South African Zionist Federation, 1948-07-30)
      Newspaper article with references to music.
    • Magen David Adom 

      Unknown author (South African Zionist Federation, 1948-07-23)
      Newspaper article with references to music.
    • Forthcoming concert by Niedzielski 

      Unknown author (South African Zionist Federation, 1948-07-23)
      Newspaper article with references to music.