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dc.contributor.otherMaguire, Brianen_ZA
dc.coverage.spatialTakatshwane Valley near the pump
dc.identifier.other2.45 Photos B.Maguire, Kalahari, Book 1, 28/11/1968- end of 12/1968
dc.description457_bw_0630.jpg derived from archival TIFF file. Digital copies were created from a selection of items in the Maguire San Ethnobotanical Collection (MS 457) held in the Manuscripts Section of the Stellenbosch Library and Information Service Collection.en_ZA
dc.format.extent1 black and white slide
dc.rightsThis item is subject to copyright protection. Reproduction of the content, or any part of it, other than for research, academic or non-commercial use is prohibited without prior consent from the copyright holder.
dc.sourceMaguire San Ethnobotanical Collection (MS 457)
dc.subjectOrnithogalum amboense Schinz
dc.subjectAlbuca amboense
dc.subjectTakatshwane Valley -- Botswana
dc.titlePlant recorded in the field as n|galice in !Xóõ language by Maguire (1968)and identified as Ornithogalum amboense Schinz. Later verified by Traill (2018) as ǀɢàlisè and now known as Albuca amboense. Leaves are eaten raw but described as unpleasant or poisonous. Peduncle and bulb eaten raw. Hairy stem, bulb and roots shownen_ZA
dc.rights.holderCopyright Dr JM Maguire

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