Now showing items 41-60 of 120

    • Raka : symphonic poem in the form of a concerto for piano and orchestra 

      Grove, Stefans, 1922
      Score. Incomplete. 1. Early morning scene at the river -- 2. Raka appears -- 3. Interlude: Village life becomes peaceful again -- 4. Koki and the combat with Raka -- 5. Koki's mother cleanses his slain body by the night ...
    • Maya 

      Grove, Stefans, 1922
      Copy of manuscript score. "Ontrafeling en bevestiging." Contains markings in pencil.
    • Sinfonia concertante 

      Grove, Stefans, 1922
      Manuscript score. Commissioned by the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC).
    • Invocation from the hills and dances in the plains 

      Grove, Stefans, 1922
      Copy of manuscript score. 'Music from Africa' series No. 13. "Commissioned by the Foundation for the Creative Arts for the 80th anniversary of the Cape Town Symphony Orchestra." "Jesu juva 7:II:95." Note indicates time ...
    • Dansrapsodie : 'n Afrikastad 

      Grove, Stefans, 1922
      Copy of manuscript score. 'Music from Africa' series No. 2.
    • Pinocchio 

      Grove, Stefans, 1922
      Sketches. Note indicates commission by Audrey King's ballet group in San Francisco.
    • Santjie van Soendal 

      Grove, Stefans, 1922
      Manuscript score.
    • Kyk wie kom van buite in 

      Grove, Stefans, 1922
      Manuscript score.
    • Psalm 42 

      Grove, Stefans, 1922
      Manuscript. "O my siel, waarom so onrustig? En wat buig jy jou in my? Waarom in Gods lof onlustig as die vyand jou bestry? Menigmaal het hy jou druk laat verwissel in geluk."
    • Concerto grosso 

      Grove, Stefans, 1922
      Copy of manuscript score.
    • Concerto for violin and orchestra 

      Grove, Stefans, 1922
      Copy of piano score.
    • 'n Klein serenade 

      Grove, Stefans, 1922
      Sketches. Manuscript book with contents: 'n Klein serenade (Die nagtelike minnaar) -- 'n Dans voorstelling -- Waansinnige ekstase -- 'n Sonderlinge tweegesprek -- Stadig [?] -- 'n Droom-openbaring.
    • 'n Nagtelike minnaar 

      Grove, Stefans, 1922
      Manuscript score. Incomplete. "No. 3 uit 'Miniatuur-beelde'".
    • Fantasie 

      Grove, Stefans, 1922
      Manuscript score. For piano and string orchestra. Inscription on folder: "à la Rachmaninoff eintlik gemors (1939)".
    • Etude 

      Grove, Stefans, 1922
      Manuscript score.
    • An experience in musical styles 

      Grove, Stefans, 1922
      Manuscript. For piano or harpsichord. "Written in imitation of the following composers: William Byrd, Domenico Scarlatti, Johann Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, Franz Schubert, Robert Schumann, ...
    • 7 liedere op Boesman-verse 

      Grove, Stefans, 1922
      Manuscript score. Incomplete. Contents: Tussenspel 2 -- 2. Die woestynlewerkie (Eugène Marais) -- Tussenspel 3 -- 3. Weeskinders van die Hemelgod (Abraham Fouché) -- Tussenspel 4 -- 4. Reënluiperd (Abraham Fouché) -- ...
    • Es geht 'ne dunkle Wolk 

      Grove, Stefans, 1922
      Manuscript score. German works. Contents: Es geht 'ne dunkle Wolk -- Es taget vor dem Walde -- Mit Lust tät ich ausreiten -- Feinsliebchen du sollst mir nicht.
    • Lig oor Judea 

      Grove, Stefans, 1922
      Manuscript score. For mezzo-soprano and piano or a melody instrument.
    • Trauungslied 

      Grove, Stefans, 1922
      Manuscript score. "Umarbeitung: S.G."