• Daar is iets wat magtiger as 'n man en sterker as enige vrou is : Gelykheid 

      Women's National Coalition (WNC)
      Newspaper advertisement by the Women's National Coalition (WNC) emphasising the importance of recognition and equal rights for women, as well as the necessity for equality among all.
    • Dear fellow South Africans 

      Buthelezi, Mangosuthu
      Address to the people of South Africa by Mangosuthu Buthelezi, president of the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP), appearing as a newspaper advertisement, in which he delivers the party's stance on the elections.
    • Democratic Party, people you can trust 

      Democratic Party (DP) (1994)
      Campaign poster by the Democratic Party (DP) describing and explaining the meaning and significance of the various design elements making up the DP logo. With this, the party's main objectives, peace, jobs, and power, are ...
    • Demokratiese Party - Democratic Party 

      Democratic Party (DP)
      Sticker by the Democratic Party (DP) promoting the party during the election campaigns. The sticker depicts the blue and yellow party logo encircled by the party name in both English and Afrikaans.
    • Die/The Front 

      Freedom Front (FF) (Mulder, Pieter, 1994-04-01)
      Election bulletin of the Freedom Front (FF)
    • Dis hoe die linkes hulle uitskel. En hoe die Natte hulle behandel. G'n wonder daar's geen respek vir wet en orde nie 

      Democratic Party (DP)
      Newspaper advertisement by the Democratic Party (DP) illustrating the negative and demoralising treatment of the police by the National Party (NP) and African National Congress (ANC), and the negative effect this has on ...
    • Dit is 'n wetsoortreding om staatshulpbronne te gebruik vir die bevordering van die belange van enige politieke party 

      The Independent Media Commission (IMC)
      Newspaper advertisement by the Independent Media Commission (IMC) stating that the use of state resources to further the interests of a political party is a violation of the law. The advertisement also provides information ...
    • Dit is die werklikheid van 46 jaar van Nasionale Party regering 

      Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU)
      Newspaper advertisement by the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) featuring an image of mourners at a funeral service, gathered around the coffin of one of three children killed by the South African Police in ...
    • Dit is die werklikheid van 46 jaar van Nasionale Party regering 

      Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) (Piedt, Roger, 1994-04-15)
      Newspaper advertisement by the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) featuring an image of mourners at a funeral service, gathered around the coffin of one of three children killed by the South African Police in ...
    • Dit is tyd vir Christene om hulself te laat hoor 

      African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP)
      Newspaper advertisement by the African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP) calling on South Africans to help build a new and better South Africa by voting for the ACDP and party leader, Reverend Kenneth Meshoe. The advertisement ...
    • Do not vote! 

      Qibla Mass Movement
      Newspaper advertisement issued by Qibla Mass Movement, explaining the reasons, according to their views, why citizens should abstain from voting.
    • Do what is best for South Africa 

      United Democratic Movement (UDM) (van Wyk, A., 1999)
      Campaign poster by the United Democratic Movement (UDM) encouraging South Africans to act in the best interest of the country and its people by voting for the UDM. A large colour image of party leader, Bantubonke Harrington ...
    • Don't be steam-rollered 

      Federal Party (FP)
      Newspaper advertisement by the Federal Party (FP) calling on voters to vote FP in order to have a true democracy that affords the people full control of their own lives and that of their families. The FP claims to put the ...
    • Don't give the Cape away, fight back 

      Democratic Party (DP)
      Campaign poster by the Democratic Party (DP) featuring large black text on a yellow background asking South Africans to fight back and not give the Cape away. The poster is encouraging voters to vote for the DP as a means ...
    • Don't vote! Don't legalise illegitimacy 

      Qibla Mass Movement
      Newspaper advertisement issued by Qibla Mass Movement, appealing to South Africans to express a vote of no confidence by not voting.
    • Die DP is 'n bietjie verward - hulle dink ons is hulle opposisie 

      National Party (NP) (van Schalkwyk, Marthinus, 1994-04-22)
      Newspaper advertisement by the National Party (NP) highlighting the Democratic Party's (DP) misconception of the NP as their opposition when, according to the NP, the greatest threat to what both the NP and DP stand for ...
    • The DP is a little confused - it thinks we are their opposition 

      National Party (NP) (van Schalkwyk, Marthinus, 1994-04-21)
      Newspaper advertisement by the National Party (NP) highlighting the Democratic Party's (DP) misconception of the NP as their opposition when, according to the NP, the greatest threat to what both the NP and DP stand for ...
    • Duncan Crowie se : ek het my ID 

      African National Congress (ANC)
      Campaign poster by the African National Congress (ANC) urging South Africans to ensure they obtain their identification documents (ID) so that they may vote during the election period. A black and white image of top South ...
    • Eid mubaruk 

      National Party (NP)
      Newspaper advertisement by the National Party (NP) wishing all Muslims well over the holy month of Ramadan. The advertisement is compiled and issued by Marthinus van Schalkwyk.
    • Ek doen 'n beroep op alle Godvresende, ordentlike, beginselvaste mense om saam die Weskaap van 'n ramp te red 

      Sonn, Franklin (African National Congress (ANC), 1994-03-26)
      Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) presenting a message from Mr Franklin Sonn, rector of the Peninsula Technikon and SABC Board Member, in which he calls upon all "god-fearing, decent, principled ...