• Die pad van hoop 

      Business Election Fund (BEF) (1994-03-11)
      Newspaper advertisement by the Business Election Fund (BEF) documenting South Africa's road to change, reconciliation, and democracy from 1990 to 1994.
    • Peace builds. Violence destroys 

      Business Election Fund (BEF)
      Newspaper advertisement by the Business Election Fund (BEF) communicating the need for a peaceful election.
    • Peace builds. Violence destroys. Your vote is secret. The election is free and fair 

      Business Election Fund (BEF)
      Newspaper advertisement by the Business Election Fund (BEF) communicating messages of their support for a successful, peaceful election and providing information on the voting process and voter's rights. The BEF is calling ...
    • Perhaps he will be president 

      Democratic Party (DP) (Selfe, James, 1994-03-20)
      Newspaper advertisement by the Democratic Party (DP) speaking of their plans to address the poverty of the country by creating an economy that is run by the people, not the government. The advertisement is issued by James ...
    • Plaas jou kruis langs die ACDP 

      African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP)
      Campaign poster by the African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP) encouraging South Africans to give them their vote during the elections. White text appears in a red band running across the bottom of the poster emphasising ...
    • Place this on your fridge and gain weight 

      Women's National Coalition (WNC) (1994-04-25)
      Newspaper advertisement by the Women's National Coalition (WNC) providing a summary of the Women's Charter for Effective Equality. The advertisement appears on page 10 of The Argus newspaper.
    • Project Vote workshop 

      Project Vote; Centre for Development Studies (CDS); National Democratic Institute (NDI) (Project Vote, 1994)
      Poster in aid of voter education issued by Project Vote, the election education programme of the Centre for Development Studies (CDS) and the National Democratic Institute (NDI) for the advertisment of a workshop. The ...
    • Protecting you from the abuse of power 

      Democratic Party (DP) (Selfe, J., 1994)
      Campaign poster by the Democratic Party (DP) featuring large black text promising protection against the abuse of power. The poster is framed by a yellow border with the DP logo appearing in the lower right-hand corner. ...
    • Protecting you from the abuse of power (illustrated) 

      Democratic Party (DP) (Selfe, J., 1994)
      Campaign poster by the Democratic Party (DP) featuring large black text promising protection against the abuse of power. A black and white illustration of a hand pointing a finger to the viewer is placed in the upper centre ...
    • Putting the power in your hands 

      Federal Party (FP) (Day, Gail, 1994)
      Campaign poster by the Federal Party (FP) promoting the party's aim to return power to the people. A large colour image of party leader and founder, Frances Kendall, fills the poster. The political party name appears in ...
    • Racism 

      World University Service (WUS); Erase
      Newspaper advertisement issued by World University Service (WUS) and Erase challenging racism and calling on voters to use their vote on the 27th April to put an end to racism. The advertisement features a black and white ...
    • Reconstruction : peace and democracy 

      Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) (1994)
      A poster by the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) featuring colour illustrations of workers and a black and white photo image of a woman. The poster titled, Reconstruction, lists job creation, better living ...
    • Red eers die Afrikaner, dan die renoster! 

      Freedom Front (FF); Vryheidsfront (VF) (Mulder, Pieter, 1999)
      Campaign poster by the Freedom Front / Vryheidsfront (FF/VF) encouraging South Africans to aid in the salvation of the Afrikaner by voting for the FF/VF. The poster is compiled and issued by Dr. Pieter Mulder.
    • Remember Chris Hani, people's hero 

      African National Congress (ANC) (1994)
      Campaign poster by the African National Congress (ANC) depicting a large black and white profile image of the late Martin Thembisile (Chris) Hani. The text appearing on the poster encourages South Africans to remember Chris ...
    • Sekunjalo! Ke nako! Nou is die tyd! 

      African National Congress (ANC)
      Sticker by the African National Congress (ANC) encouraging South Africans to vote for the party at the elections. The sticker depicts a voters mark alongside the party of choice, in this case, the ANC.
    • Sekunjalo! Ke nako! Now is the time 

      African National Congress (ANC) (1994)
      Calendar for the year 1994 presented by the African National Congress (ANC). A large colour image of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela surrounded by young children and community members appears on the left-hand side of the calendar. ...
    • Should anyone walk away from the elections? You be the judge 

      African National Congress (ANC) (ANC Department of Information and Publicity (DIP), 1994-02-20)
      Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) communicating their proposal to address the fears of those who feel their needs have not been met. Advertisement issued by the Department of Information and ...
    • Should anyone walk away from the elections? You be the judge 

      African National Congress (ANC) (ANC Department of Information and Publicity (DIP), 1994-02-18)
      Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) communicating their proposal to address the fears of those who feel their needs have not been met. Advertisement issued by the Department of Information and ...
    • Should murderers and rapists be allowed to vote? 

      Democratic Party (DP)
      Newspaper advertisement by the Democratic Party (DP) encouraging South Africans to vote for them in order to avoid the inefficiency of the National Party (NP). The advertisement addresses concerns over voting rights being ...
    • Slaan terug teen misdaad 

      Democratic Party (DP)
      Campaign poster by the Democratic Party (DP) featuring large black text against a yellow background encouraging South Africans to fight against crime and vote for the DP. The DP logo appears in the lower half of the poster ...