• U kan stem met enige van die volgende documente op 27, 28 April 1994 

      Project Vote (Project Vote, 1994)
      Poster in aid of voter education issued by Project Vote depicting all the legal identification documents with which voters may cast their vote. The Project Vote logo appears in the bottom right-hand corner.
    • U keuse : eenheid of ondergang 

      Afrikaner Eenheidsbeweging (AEB); Afrikaner Unity Movement
      Campaign poster by the Afrikaner Eenheidsbeweging (AEB). Compiled and issued by F. W. A. Danzfuss.
    • U keuse vir die Wes-Kaap 

      Freedom Front (FF)
      Newspaper advertisement by the Freedom Front (FF) calling on voters to vote for the FF and put the balance of power in the Western Cape in their hands.
    • U Nika Khumalo uthi : ndina yo eyami i ID 

      African National Congress (ANC) (1994)
      Campaign poster by the African National Congress (ANC) urging South Africans to ensure they obtain their identification documents (ID) so that they may vote during the election period. A black and white image of South ...
    • Unite the people of the Cape 

      African National Congress (ANC) (African National Congress (ANC), Western Cape, 1994-04-23)
      Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) claiming that only they can unite the people of the Western Cape, building a strong, prosperous, and united region. Advertisement issued by the ANC Western Cape.
    • Verenig die mense van die Kaap 

      African National Congress (ANC) (1994-04-23)
      Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) calling on voters to support the ANC in uniting the people of the Western Cape. Advertisement issued by the ANC Western Cape.
    • Vergadering : Terror Lekota, Melanie Verwoerd, Patrick McKenzie 

      African National Congress (ANC)
      A rally poster by the African National Congress (ANC) advertising a gathering on Tuesday the 27th of May at Eikestad Hall, Cloetesville, Stellenbosch featuring discussions by Mosiuoa "Terror" Lekota, Melanie Verwoerd, and ...
    • 'n Verkiesing vir 'n demokratiese Suid-Afrika het 'n onafhanklike gesag nodig om alles byeen te bring 

      Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) (Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), 1994-02-23)
      A newspaper pullout covering pages 11 to 13 of Die Burger newspaper introducing the Independent Electoral Commission and its 16 members. The roles and responsibilities of the IEC in ensuring a peaceful, free and fair ...
    • Verkiesingsuitslae 

      Unknown author (1994-04-30)
      A newspaper chart covering page 7 of Die Burger newspaper on which political party results from the 1994 election campaigns may be recorded for each of the nine provinces. No information regarding results has been recorded ...
    • Vir 46 jaar het die Nasionale Party alles behalwe ons menswaardigheid weggeneem. Moenie dit on 27 April vir hulle gee nie 

      African National congress (ANC) (Piedt, Roger, 1994-04-22)
      Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) reminding South Africans of all that was taken from them during the 46 years of National Party (NP) leadership. The advertisement asks South Africans not to ...
    • Vir die mense van die Weskaap is daar net een keuse 

      Boesak, Allan Aubrey (African National Congress (ANC), 1994-04-23)
      Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) presenting a message from Dr Allan Boesak in which he expresses the significance of voting on the 27th April 1994. Dr Boesak appeals to the people of the Western ...
    • Voeg die daad by die woord 

      Federal Alliance (FA) (1999)
      Campaign poster by the Federal Alliance (FA) featuring a large colour image of founder, Louis Luyt. Above this image appears text promoting the party as one who puts actions to words, further encouraging South Africans to ...
    • Vote / stem Louis Luyt 

      Federal Alliance (FA)
      Campaign poster by the Federal Alliance (FA) featuring a large colour image of founder, Louis Luyt, encouraging South Africans to vote for the FA.
    • Vote African Christian Democratic Party : prosperous, secure and better South Africa 

      African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP)
      Campaign poster by the African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP) issued by A. Louis, promising a prosperous, secure, and better South Africa based on family values, power to the people, and fair free enterprise. The poster ...
    • Vote ANC for free quality education! A better life for all! 

      African National Congress (ANC) (1994)
      Campaign poster by the African National Congress (ANC) promoting free quality education and a better life for all upon voting for the ANC. The ANC flag appears in the upper half of the poster below large green text instructing ...
    • Vote and let us build together 

      Project Vote; Centre for Development Studies (CDS) (Project Vote, 1994)
      Poster in aid of voter education issued by Project Vote encouraging South Africans to vote. The poster relays words spoken by Chief Albert Luthuli in 1960, calling for peace, unity and on all South Africans to build the ...
    • Vote for your future. In secret. With confidence 

      Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) (Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), 1994-02-13)
      A full page advertisement in the Weekend The Argus newspaper providing information on the role of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) in ensuring a peaceful, free, and fair election.
    • Vote for your future. In secret. With confidence 

      Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) (Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), 1994-02-05)
      A full page advertisement in the Weekend Argus newspaper providing information on the role of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) in ensuring a peaceful, free, and fair election.
    • Vote Islamic Party 

      Islamic Party (IP)
      Newspaper advertisement by the Islamic Party (IP), the first Islamic party in the Western Cape, stating what they stand for and all that they oppose. Additionally, the advertisement presents a list of reasons why non-muslims ...
    • Vote KISS : tax is legalised theft 

      Keep It Straight and Simple Party (KISS) (1994)
      Campaign poster by the Keep It Straight and Simple Party (KISS), expressing the party's disapproval of having to pay tax. A large colour image of party founder, Claire Carol Gainsford, fills the poster with red lipstick ...