• And you have the cheek to call me the weaker sex? 

      African National Congress (ANC) (ANC Department of Information and Publicity (DIP), 1994-03-10)
      Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) displaying the strength and endurance of women and communicating the party's commitment to ending discrimination against women in the workplace.
    • Bewaar en gebruik 

      Women's National Coalition (WNC) (1994-04-25)
      Newspaper advertisement by the Women's National Coalition (WNC) providing a summary of the Women's Charter for Effective Equality. The advertisement appears on page 13 of Die Burger newspaper.
    • Daar is iets wat magtiger as 'n man en sterker as enige vrou is : Gelykheid 

      Women's National Coalition (WNC)
      Newspaper advertisement by the Women's National Coalition (WNC) emphasising the importance of recognition and equal rights for women, as well as the necessity for equality among all.
    • Place this on your fridge and gain weight 

      Women's National Coalition (WNC) (1994-04-25)
      Newspaper advertisement by the Women's National Coalition (WNC) providing a summary of the Women's Charter for Effective Equality. The advertisement appears on page 10 of The Argus newspaper.
    • Tuistemaker, kosmaker, geldmaker, babamaker, kleremaker, vredemaker 

      Women's National Coalition (WNC)
      Newspaper advertisement by the Women's National Coalition (WNC) expressing that, while women take on multiple responsibilities and roles, they are still not afforded equal recognition and authority in decision making. The ...