Now showing items 321-340 of 388

    • Code of conduct 

      Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR) (Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR), 1994)
      Poster in aid of voter education issued by Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR) communicating the code of conduct to be adhered to. Yellow text is placed against a purple background. The phrase "My vote is my secret" is placed ...
    • Your voting rights 

      Shapiro, Jonathan (Zapiro) (Legal Education Action Project (LEAP), 1994)
      Poster in aid of voter education presented by the Legal Education Action Project (LEAP) at the Institute of Criminology at the University of Cape Town informing South Africans, through illustrations and text, of their ...
    • Heal our land 

      Independent Forum for Electoral Education (1994)
      A black and white poster calling on South Africans to heal our land by voting on the 27th April 1994. An illustration of the voting mark, a cross, is recreated by two plasters, one crossing the other. The poster is presented ...
    • Electoral code of conduct 

      Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) (1994)
      A blue and white poster by the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) in aid of voter education, presenting the electoral code of conduct to be adhered to by all registered political parties and nominated candidates taking ...
    • Government's report to the nation 

      African National Congress (ANC); Government Communications (2004)
      Two pages communicating president Thabo Mbeki's report to the nation after ten years of democracy. The information presents the government's efforts in addressing poverty, crime, and concerns of safety and security. The ...
    • Celebrating 10 years of Freedom through national symbols 

      African National Congress (ANC); Department of Arts and Culture, South Africa (Independent Newspapers, 2004-04-26)
      A wall chart by the Department of Arts and Culture of South Africa and Independent Newspapers presenting information on the history and significance of the national symbols of South Africa.
    • Vergadering : Terror Lekota, Melanie Verwoerd, Patrick McKenzie 

      African National Congress (ANC)
      A rally poster by the African National Congress (ANC) advertising a gathering on Tuesday the 27th of May at Eikestad Hall, Cloetesville, Stellenbosch featuring discussions by Mosiuoa "Terror" Lekota, Melanie Verwoerd, and ...
    • Mandela festival : a future we can share 

      African National Congress (ANC)
      A rally poster by the African National Congress (ANC) advertising the Mandela Festival to be held at Athlone Stadium on Sunday the 17th of April at 13:30 PM. A large colour image of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela fills the ...
    • 'n Toekoms waar ons kan saam leef! A beter lewe vir almal! 

      African National Congress (ANC)
      A rally poster by the African National Congress (ANC) advertising a gathering on the 12th of April at 19:30 PM at Stellenbosch Town Hall with discussions by Franklin Sonn, Carl Niehaus, Wilhelm Verwoerd, and Trevor Manuel. ...
    • African Christian Democratic Party : Dr Johan van der Westhuizen 

      African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP)
      A rally poster by the African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP) dated for Tuesday the 19th of April, 13:00 PM at a venue listed as BJ 230. The speaker is Dr Johan van der Westhuizen, one of the co-founders of the party. ...
    • Workers' List Party says smash capitalism : food for people, not for profit 

      Workers' List Party (WLP) (1994)
      Campaign poster by the Workers' List Party (WLP) critiquing capitalist prioritisation of financial profits as opposed to providing for the needs of the people. A black and white illustration depicts hungry citizens scurrage ...
    • Jobs, peace and justice only through socialism 

      Workers' List Party (WLP) (1994)
      Campaign poster by the Workers' List Party (WLP) promoting socialism as the only means to acquiring jobs, peace and justice. Large black and red text appears against a bright yellow background. The party logo is positioned ...
    • End Women's oppression 

      Workers' List Party (WLP) (1994)
      Campaign poster by the Workers' List Party (WLP) calling for an end to women's oppression. A black and white image of a woman holding up yellow text on a red background is placed central. This image is set against a bright ...
    • Housing is a right not a privilege 

      Workers' List Party (WLP) (1994)
      Campaign poster by the Workers' List Party (WLP) emphasising access to housing as a basic human right and encouraging South Africans to vote for them in order to ensure human rights such as these are upheld. Large black ...
    • Your partner in job creation and civil order 

      United Democratic Movement (UDM) (van Wyk, A., 1999)
      Campaign poster by the United Democratic Movement (UDM) expressing their role in job creation and civil order. Large yellow text is placed on a green background. The party logo and name appears in large text in the top ...
    • There is only one choice : partnership 

      United Democratic Movement (UDM) (van Wyk, A., 1999)
      Campaign poster by the United Democratic Movement (UDM) emphasising the necessity for partnership. A colour image of party co-founders, Bantubonke Harrington Holomisa and Roelf Meyer, fills the lower half of the poster. ...
    • Do what is best for South Africa 

      United Democratic Movement (UDM) (van Wyk, A., 1999)
      Campaign poster by the United Democratic Movement (UDM) encouraging South Africans to act in the best interest of the country and its people by voting for the UDM. A large colour image of party leader, Bantubonke Harrington ...
    • Vote Soccer Party : James Mange 

      Soccer Party (Danisile & Associate Advertising, 1994)
      Campaign poster by the Soccer Party. A large black and white image of party leader, James Mange, fills the poster. The party logo appears in the top left-hand corner. James Mange's name appears beneath his image with the ...
    • The land first, all shall follow 

      Pan Africanist Party (PAC) (1994)
      Campaign poster by the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania encouraging voters to support the party. A large colour image of party leader, Clarence Mlami Makwetu, fills the poster. The party logo appears in the top left-hand ...
    • NP 

      National Party (NP)
      Campaign poster by the National Party (NP) encouraging South Africans to vote for them. A large colour image of Frederik Willem de Klerk fills the poster. The party logo appears below his image. Patterned borders of blue, ...