• On April 27 give your vote to a 39 year old ideal 

      African National Congress (ANC) (1994-01-16)
      Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) calling on South Africans to vote for the ANC and by doing so, give their support to realising a 39 year old ideal stated in the Freedom Charter, 1955, that ...
    • On March 26th I called on all decent, God-fearing and principled people 

      African National Congress (ANC) (African National Congress (ANC), Western Cape, 1994-04-09)
      Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) featuring a message from Mr Franklin Sonn calling on all "god-fearing, principled people" to join him and support the ANC in saving the Western Cape from the ...
    • Die Onafhanklike Mediakommissie 

      The Independent Media Commission (IMC)
      Newspaper advertisement by the Independent Media Commission (IMC) providing information on their establishment and role in ensuring a free and fair election through the monitoring of all television and radio stations, ...
    • Only an ANC government can build a stable economy 

      African National Congress (ANC) (African National Congress (ANC), Western Cape, 1994-04-09)
      Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) presenting a message from Connie September, vice president of the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) expressing her view of the ANC as the only ...
    • Ons beleef al jare lank optogte in die Kaap 

      National Party (NP) (Graaff, David, 1994-04-13)
      Newspaper advertisement by the National Party (NP) delivering a message by party leader, F. W. de Klerk, expressing the party's long-standing peaceful relationship with the Western Cape. The advertisement calls on voters ...
    • Ons glo dat die Evangeliese waardes van 'n inklusiewe gemeenskap 

      African National Congress (ANC) (African National Congress (ANC), 1994-04-16)
      Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) stating that the ANC political manifesto best represents the gospel values of an inclusive society. Included in the advertisement is a list of all signatories ...
    • Ons het al jare lank massavergaderings in die Kaap 

      de Klerk, F. W. (Graaff, David, 1994-04-20)
      Newspaper advertisement by the National Party (NP) delivering a message from party leader, F. W. de Klerk, in which he expresses his longstanding relationship with the Western Cape and it's people. He also expresses the ...
    • Ons het almal verander - na die Nasionale Party 

      National Party (NP) (van Schalkwyk, Marthinus, 1994-04-25)
      Newspaper advertisement by the National Party (NP) presenting names and images of all those who have shifted their support to the NP, as well as the reasons behind their support for the NP. The advertisement is compiled ...
    • Ons tyd om te kies 

      Independent Forum for Electoral Education
      A comic magazine in aid of voter education published by Matla Trust on behalf of the Independent Forum for Electoral Education. The comic is compiled by The Storyteller Group, with research and story by Peter Esterhuysen, ...
    • Ons voeg ons stemme by die mense wat op die ANC vertrou om 'n beter lewe vir almal in die Wes-Kaapte bou 

      African National Congress (ANC) (1994-04-23)
      Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) listing all of their supporters across various sectors of the Western Cape.
    • Ons voorvader was president van die ANC, maar ons stem almal NP 

      National Party (NP) (van Schalkwyk, Marthinus, 1994-04-21)
      Newspaper advertisement by the National Party (NP) delivering a statement from the family of Sefako Mapogo Makgatho, one of the founding members and former president of the African National Congress (ANC), expressing their ...
    • Oorweldigende afsluiting! Wes-Kaap se dankie F. W. 

      National Party (NP) (Kruger, Jan, 1994-04-27)
      Newspaper advertisement by the National Party (NP) showcasing the large support for F. W. de Klerk and the NP in the Western Cape at a gathering of NP supporters at the Good Hope Centre in Cape Town. The advertisement is ...
    • Op 26 Maart het ek 'n beroep gedoen 

      Sonn, Franklin (African National Congress (ANC), 1994-04-09)
      Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) featuring a message from Mr Franklin Sonn calling on all "god-fearing, principled people" to join him and support the ANC in saving the Western Cape from the ...
    • Our country our choice : a voters guide to the election in the Western Cape 

      Western Province Council of Churches; Women's Ministries of the Western Province Council of Churches; Women's DELTA Programme of the Catholic Welfare and Development; The Gender Advocacy Project (GAP)
      A special section from The Argus newspaper prepared by the Women's Ministries of the Western Province Council of Churches, the Women's DELTA Programme of the Catholic Welfare and Development, and GAP (the Gender Advocacy ...
    • Our forefather was president of the ANC, but we're all voting NP 

      National Party (NP) (van Schalkwyk, Marthinus, 1994-04-21)
      Newspaper advertisement by the National Party (NP) delivering a statement from the family of Sefako Mapogo Makgatho, one of the founding members and former president of the African National Congress (ANC), expressing their ...
    • Our new president. Volkswagen is proud to be part of a great new nation 

      Volkswagen of South Africa (1994-05-10)
      Newspaper advertisement appearing on the cover of the Cape Times newspaper dated 10 May 1994 celebrating Nelson Mandela as the new president of South Africa. The advertisement is by Volkswagen South Africa. A large image ...
    • Our plan : 2. putting a stop to crime and violence 

      African National Congress (ANC) (ANC Department of Information and Publicity (DIP), 1994-02-13)
      Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) communicating their plans to put an end to crime and violence, thereby upholding the right to live in peace and ensuring a safe and peaceful South Africa for all.
    • Our plan : 2. putting a stop to crime and violence 

      African National Congress (ANC) (ANC Department of Information and Publicity (DIP), 1994-02-15)
      Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) communicating their plans to put an end to crime and violence, thereby upholding the right to live in peace and ensuring a safe and peaceful South Africa for all.
    • Our plan : 3. making education free and equal for all 

      African National Congress (ANC) (ANC Department of Information and Publicity (DIP), 1994-02-20)
      Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) communicating their plans to provide free and equal education for all South Africans.
    • Our plan : 3. making education free and equal for all 

      African National Congress (ANC) (ANC Department of Information and Publicity (DIP), 1994-02-22)
      Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) communicating their plans to provide free and equal education for all South Africans.