• Article for Los Angeles Times 

      Slabbert, F. van Zyl (Frederik van Zyl), 1940-2010
      The abolition of the “Pass laws”; influx control; Separate Development policy.
    • Article for Millennium 

      Slabbert, F. van Zyl (Frederik van Zyl), 1940-2010
      Re the uncertainty of imposing a time-frame on the duration, and the futility of predicting the outcome of the transition in South Africa.
    • Article for Optima 

      Slabbert, F. van Zyl (Frederik van Zyl), 1940-2010
      Criticism of Ken Owen and Jos Gerson’s articles in Optima (December 1987) about the present and future contribution of liberalism to the evolving conflict in South Africa; Afrikaners; incremental change.
    • Article for Rapport 1981-06-23 

      Slabbert, F. van Zyl (Frederik van Zyl), 1940-2010
      Argues that “White Politics” is not irrelevant if set against the discrepancy of a political system where [white] people in Parliament can make binding decisions about the majority of their [non-white] countrymen, without ...
    • Article for Rapport 1992-09-29 

      Slabbert, F. van Zyl (Frederik van Zyl), 1940-2010
      Asks whether South Africa has the “social cement” to bring about social cohesion; comes to the conclusion that in spite of exclusive and inclusive intolerance, there is also a greater move to inclusive tolerance, however slow.
    • Article for South 1987-05-26 

      Slabbert, F. van Zyl (Frederik van Zyl), 1940-2010
      Lead sentence: “One of the legacies of almost 40 years of NP rule, has been the inflation of words beyond any recognised meaning. They lose their value in the difficult art of communication”.
    • Article for South 1987-06-17 

      Slabbert, F. van Zyl (Frederik van Zyl), 1940-2010
      Lead sentence: “Political language used by the ruling establishment in South Africa suffers from a bad dose of verbal inflation”.
    • Article for Sunday Star 

      Slabbert, F. van Zyl (Frederik van Zyl), 1940-2010
      Responds to various questions put to him after P.W. Botha’s opening speech for Parliament, e.g., whether the PFP would consider entering into a coalition [with the NP] and what the PFP’s game plan of strategy will be after ...
    • Article for Sunday Times (Fleur de Villiers) 

      Slabbert, F. van Zyl (Frederik van Zyl), 1940-2010
      Poses the question: “What to do with the “urban blacks?”
    • Article for Sunday Times 1985-01-12 

      Slabbert, F. van Zyl (Frederik van Zyl), 1940-2010
      Article about the new constitution that has generated expectations of reform; distinguishes between symbolic and material reform; role of the PFP in the new Parliament in the coming year.
    • Article for Sunday Times 1985-05-09 

      Slabbert, F. van Zyl (Frederik van Zyl), 1940-2010
      Article stating FVZS’s conviction that negotiation politics presents the only possible solution to conflicts, but a distinction must be made between “up-front-public-politics” and “back-door-behind-the-scenes-politics”; ...
    • Article for Sunday Times 1986-11-13 

      Slabbert, F. van Zyl (Frederik van Zyl), 1940-2010
      IDASA (Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa).
    • Article for Sunday Tribune 

      Slabbert, F. van Zyl (Frederik van Zyl), 1940-2010
      “When it comes to the question: What should the (West German, British, USA, etc.,) Government’s policy be towards South Africa?, the answer, simply put, is either: Confrontation or Constructive Engagement.”
    • Article for Sunday Tribune 1983-10-21 

      Slabbert, F. van Zyl (Frederik van Zyl), 1940-2010
      Open letter to the Voters of the White electorate, urging them to vote “No” in the coming Referendum.
    • Article for Sunday Tribune and Toronto Star 

      Slabbert, F. van Zyl (Frederik van Zyl), 1940-2010
      Article dealing with contributing factors resulting in a State of Emergency, identified by Prof [Lawrence] Schlemmer, Director of the Centre for Applied Social Research in Durban, Natal.
    • Article for Syfrets on the RDP 

      Slabbert, F. van Zyl (Frederik van Zyl), 1940-2010
      Article for Syfrets on the Reconstruction and Development Programme.
    • Article for The Argus 

      Slabbert, F. van Zyl (Frederik van Zyl), 1940-2010
      Article written in response to an incident on 1985.03.21 in Langa, Uitenhage, Cape, when members of the SAP opened fire on mourners marching to the prohibited funeral of four of six youths killed by the police.
    • Article for The Citizen 1981 

      Slabbert, F. van Zyl (Frederik van Zyl), 1940-2010
      The PFP’s policy statement for the up-coming election.
    • Article for The Citizen 1982-12-01 

      Slabbert, F. van Zyl (Frederik van Zyl), 1940-2010
      Replies by Dr F. van Zyl Slabbert, M.P., to questions asked by Jaap Theron, political correspondent of The Citizen.
    • Article for The Citizen 1983-04-20 

      Slabbert, F. van Zyl (Frederik van Zyl), 1940-2010
      Article for The Citizen - on the Waterkloof by-election.