Now showing items 1-10 of 135
Die vyf sporte op die leer
Youth sermon held at Pretoria East entitled, "The five rungs on the ladder".
Verstandige koopmansbeleid
Youth sermon held for welcoming students at Pretoria East entitled, "Sensible merchant policies".
Arbeid en loon
Youth sermon held at Normal College entitled, "Labor and wages".
Potensiele geestelike krag van die jeug
Youth sermon held at Waverley Pretoria entitled, "Potential spiritual strength of the youth".
Die wesenlike dinge
Youth sermon held at Pretoria East entitled, "The essential things".
Op pad met Christus
Youth sermon held at Pretoria East entitled, "On the way with Christ".
Die goeie stryd
Youth sermon held at Pretoria East entitled, "The good fight".
In die naam van die Here
Academic youth sermon held at Pretoria East entitled, "In the name of the Lord".
Jesus kan nie verborge bly nie
Youth sermon held at Pretoria East entitled, "Jesus can not stay hidden".
Gawes : gegee om te gebruik
Youth sermon held at Pretoria East entitled, "Gifts: given to use".