• Willie Currie 

      Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa (198?)
      Film and Allied Workers Organisation (FAWO)
    • Ursula Eid 

      Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa (198?)
      Member of German Green Party
    • V. C. van Niekerk 

      Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa (198?)
    • V. J. Bath 

      Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa (198?)
    • Strinivasa "Strini" Moodley 

      Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa (198?)
      Founding member of the Theatre Council of Natal (TECON)
    • Thabo Mbeki 

      Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa (198?)
    • Tony Yengeni 

      Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa (198?)
      Anti-apartheid activist
    • Ronnie Kasrils 

      Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa (198?)
      Founding member of Umkhonto we Sizwe
    • Sophie Masite 

      Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa (198?)
      Mayor of the Southern Metropolitan Substructure (SMS) of Johannesburg Metro. First black female mayor in South Africa
    • Rhoda Kadalie 

      Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa (198?)
      Anti-apartheid activist and trustee for the Institute for a Democratic South Africa
    • Simon Brand 

      Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa (198?)
      Chairman of the Development Bank of South Africa
    • Nthato Motlana 

      Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa (198?)
      South African businessman, physician and anti-apartheid activist
    • Nic Boraine 

      Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa (198?)
      IDASA coordinator for Western Cape
    • Open Society Foundation 

      Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa (198?)
      Board members
    • O. P. Dikgotsi 

      Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa (198?)
    • Mathews Phosa 

      Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa (198?)
      South African attorney and anti-apartheid activist
    • Mathews Phosa 

      Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa (198?)
      South African attorney and anti-apartheid activist
    • Naledi Pandor 

      Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa (198?)
      Member of Parliament
    • Musa Myeni 

      Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa (198?)
      IFP leader at the IDASA lunch forum
    • Marcelino Moco 

      Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa (198?)
      Secretary General of People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA)