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dc.contributor.editorWelz, Martinen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherRuden, Sarahen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStrachan, Harolden_ZA
dc.coverage.spatialSouth Africa
dc.description.abstractSouth Africa's only investigative magazine about business, professions, politics and society in South Africa.en_ZA
dc.description.tableofcontentsLAWYER IN THE WOODPILE: Whetstone was a listed company with an exciting portfolio of products - including a patent that experts said could be worth billions. But then, it appears, Craig Delport, attorney to the founder and director Simon Ferguson, hatched a bizarre plot to take over the company, a scheme which entailed destroying Ferguson's reputation and seizing his shares. In the process Delport destroyed the company too. The battle is not over yet.; NAFCOC: Themba Pasiwe, Nafcoc's national treasurer, has been trying unsuccessfully, since his election in August last year, to get his hands on the books. He has seen some bank statements however, that reflect unsettling transactions, including a huge transfer from Sacob, the white chamber of business with which Nafcoc is in delicate negotiations.; THABO'S BOYS VS VULA'S BOYS: ANC politics and business can still b e divided roughly into two opposing camps.; WIESE VS RUPERT, PART 2: I was only trying to help my old pal of twenty-five years, says the Archangel Christo Wiese. Aikona, he was trying to greenmail me, says an angry Johann Rupert.; STOP THE ARMS DEAL!: Sarah Ruden suggests South Africans consider the American experience with defense spending. When Pres Eisenhower left office he warned against the military-industrial complex he had been unable to tame. Time has shown his fears were justified. "OUR MAN IN AFGHANISTAN" GETS DIVERTED: Andy Hackland photographs glacial landscapes I n the mountains of Kyrgyzstan, and almost gets buried in an avalanche while scaling the towering peak of Khan Tengri.; HOW TO GET AHEAD IN GOVERNMENT? PORTRAIT OF A NATION - YOUNG, DRUNK, VIOLENT, DEAD: The NIMSS report reveals that in a single year, 2000, more South Africans died unnatural deaths than the total number of US casualties during the 12-year Vietnam war.; CAN AMERICANS FACE UP TO REALITY: James Sanders reacts to "Why America checked out of Durban" by Sarah Ruden (nose36).; "KING CON" NO TALL STORY: We respond to criticism from Dr Mangosuthu Buthelezi (see letters page 2) of our article on the recent biography of Laurens van der Post - Storyteller: The Secret Lives of Laurens van der Post.; HIGH-TECH REAR ADMIRAL STEAMS TO THE RESCUE: A wealth of interesting material emerged from evidence to Selby Baqwa's bumbling arms-deal hearings by Richard Young and Rear Admiral Johnny Kamerman.; AERODYNAMICOPHOBIA: Harold Strachan and Eric the labourer are party to wrecking a collection of abstract paintings they're taking to a Durban gallery. Their attempts at reconstructing the wreckage have a surprising outcome.en_ZA
dc.format.extent26 pages
dc.publisherChaucer Publicationsen_ZA
dc.rightsThis item is subject to copyright protection. Reproduction of the content, or any part of it, other than for research, academic or non-commercial use is prohibited without prior consent from the copyright holder.
dc.sourceNoseweek Collection, MS 459, Manuscripts Collection
dc.subjectPress and politicsen_ZA
dc.subjectNoseweek (Newspaper)en_ZA
dc.subjectSouth Africa -- Politics and government -- 1994-en_ZA
dc.subjectJournalism -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectInvestigative reportingen_ZA
dc.titleNoseweek 37, 2001-11en_ZA
dc.rights.holderChaucer Publications

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