• Political and economic blunders 

      Poutsma, H. J. ([Pretoria] : H.J. Poutsma, 1915)
      Review of the policy of the Smuts-Botha government, being a reprint of articles published in the "New Age", since January, 1915 together with some additional matter.
    • Politieke driehoek, 1947-1948 : Malan, Strijdom, Havenga 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      The 6th J.B.M. Hertzog memorial lecture delivered in Stellenbosch, 26 April 1976, before the Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns. The lecture focuses on South African politics 1947-1948, specifically the political ...