South African Elections newspaper publications: Recent submissions
Now showing items 181-200 of 291
True representation in writing
(1994-01-23)Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) presenting the 200 names of the members of the ANC National Elections list for the National Assemble. The ANC promises to live up to the ideals of true ... -
On April 27 give your vote to a 39 year old ideal
(1994-01-16)Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) calling on South Africans to vote for the ANC and by doing so, give their support to realising a 39 year old ideal stated in the Freedom Charter, 1955, that ... -
Die NP het geen plan nie
(ANC Department of Information and Publicity (DIP), 1994-04-27)Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) in which comparisons are drawn between the plans of the National Party (NP) and the African National Congress (ANC) for the governing of the country. Advertisement ... -
Laat ons in sulke oorweldigende getalle stem
(African National Congress (ANC), 1994-04-27)Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) delivering a message by Nelson Mandela in which he calls on the people of South African to unite in such overwhelming numbers and vote on the 27th April 1994 ... -
Vir die mense van die Weskaap is daar net een keuse
(African National Congress (ANC), 1994-04-23)Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) presenting a message from Dr Allan Boesak in which he expresses the significance of voting on the 27th April 1994. Dr Boesak appeals to the people of the Western ... -
Ons voeg ons stemme by die mense wat op die ANC vertrou om 'n beter lewe vir almal in die Wes-Kaapte bou
(1994-04-23)Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) listing all of their supporters across various sectors of the Western Cape. -
Verenig die mense van die Kaap
(1994-04-23)Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) calling on voters to support the ANC in uniting the people of the Western Cape. Advertisement issued by the ANC Western Cape. -
Die hele wereld wil verandering sien
(1994-04-23)Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) expressing the desire for change and an end to apartheid. -
We cannot afford more of this : the NP's economic policy has left 5 million people without jobs
(ANC Department of Information and Publicity (DIP), 1994-03-27)Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) communicating their plans to address the significant number of South Africans who are unemployed as a result of the National Party's (NP) economic policies and ... -
Vir 46 jaar het die Nasionale Party alles behalwe ons menswaardigheid weggeneem. Moenie dit on 27 April vir hulle gee nie
(Piedt, Roger, 1994-04-22)Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) reminding South Africans of all that was taken from them during the 46 years of National Party (NP) leadership. The advertisement asks South Africans not to ... -
Ons glo dat die Evangeliese waardes van 'n inklusiewe gemeenskap
(African National Congress (ANC), 1994-04-16)Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) stating that the ANC political manifesto best represents the gospel values of an inclusive society. Included in the advertisement is a list of all signatories ... -
Op 26 Maart het ek 'n beroep gedoen
(African National Congress (ANC), 1994-04-09)Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) featuring a message from Mr Franklin Sonn calling on all "god-fearing, principled people" to join him and support the ANC in saving the Western Cape from the ... -
Slegs die ANC-regering kan 'n stabiele ekonomie bou
(African National Congress (ANC), 1994-04-09)Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) presenting a message from Connie September, vice president of the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) expressing her view of the ANC as the only ... -
Net die ANC het die wye ondersteuning om die trotse visie van Sheikh Yusuf te verwesenlik
(African National Congress (ANC), 1994-04-02)Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) presenting a message from historian, Mr Achmat Davids, in which he communicates his view of the ANC as the only party with the support to realise the vision ... -
Die ANC het 'n uitvoerbare plan vir die halfmiljoen werklose mense in die Weskaap
(African National Congress (ANC), 1994-04-02)Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) presenting a message from Mr Ngconde Balfour, co-chairman of the Cape Town Olympic bid and head of the University of the Western Cape Sports Administration, ... -
Tien jaar gratis, kwaliteit onderwys vir elke kind is presis wat hierdie land nodig het
(African National Congress (ANC), 1994-03-26)Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) presenting a message from Mr Archie Vergotine, president of the Cape Teachers Professional Association (CTPA) and Union of Teachers Association of South Africa ... -
Ek doen 'n beroep op alle Godvresende, ordentlike, beginselvaste mense om saam die Weskaap van 'n ramp te red
(African National Congress (ANC), 1994-03-26)Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) presenting a message from Mr Franklin Sonn, rector of the Peninsula Technikon and SABC Board Member, in which he calls upon all "god-fearing, decent, principled ... -
Die ANC staan die beskerming van almal se eiendom voor. Dis hoekom ons in Delft staan
(ANC Department of Information and Publicity (DIP), 1994-02-26)Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) assuring South Africans that their right to property and the protection of property will be upheld under ANC leadership, The ANC is informing South Africans ... -
Kan enigeen die rug op hierdie verkiesing draai? Besluit vir uself
(ANC Department of Information and Publicity (DIP), 1994-02-18)Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) communicating their proposal to address the fears of those who feel their needs have not been met. Advertisement issued by the Department of Information and ... -
AMP enjoying good and prohibiting evil : African Muslim Party, small but very effective!
(African Muslim Party (AMP), 1994-04-23)Newspaper advertisement by the African Muslim Party (AMP) communicating their efficacy even as a small party in promoting an alternative system based on Islam. At the bottom of the poster is a text box expressing the party's ...