• Petrus Jacobus Joubert 

      Boer, P. R. O. (Dordrecht : Morks, 1900)
      Dutch biography of General Petrus Jacobus Joubert.
    • Un peuple heroique les Boers 

      Joubert, Joseph (Angers : Germain & G. Grassin, 1900)
      Conference faite au Palais de l’Universite Catholique d’Angers le 16 mars 1900.
    • Pfui Chamberlain : traurige Helden im Lichte der Karikatur 

      Unknown author
      German caricatures and cartoons, jokes and poems.
    • Pilgrimage to Lourdes, South Africa 

      Kufal, William
      Dr. William Kufal's contributions to an inquiry into the native problem at Lourdes, South Africa, November 1894.
    • Pillen voor Joe 

      Feith, J. (Jan), 1874-; Ponten, Kees van (Amsterdam : Cohen Zonen, 1900)
      Dutch cartoons on the Anglo-Boer War.
    • Plancius-Rede 

      Kuyper, Abraham, 1837-1920 (Amsterdam : J.H. Kruyt, 1884)
      Dutch speech delivered by A. Kuyper in 1884 in Amsterdam before S.J.P. Kruger, the Rev. S.J. du Toit, Genl. N.J. Smit and a Dutch audience. Kuyper presented a Transvaal flag to the Boers.
    • A plea on behalf of equity and truth 

      Hoedemaker, Ph. J. (Philippus Jacobus), 1839-1910 (Amsterdam : J.H. Van Dam, 1901-11-03)
      Sermon on Ps. 126:3, preached by Rev. Dr. Philippus Jacobus Hoedemaker on the 3rd of November 1901, in the English churches of Flushing and Middelburg. Profits from the sale of this sermon will be handed to a fund, providing ...
    • Pokushenie Anglíi na nezavisimost 

      Unknown author (1900)
    • Political and economic blunders 

      Poutsma, H. J. ([Pretoria] : H.J. Poutsma, 1915)
      Review of the policy of the Smuts-Botha government, being a reprint of articles published in the "New Age", since January, 1915 together with some additional matter.
    • The political outlook at Whitsuntide, 1902 

      Campbell-Bannerman, Henry, Sir, 1836-1908 (London : Liberal Publication Department, 1902)
      Speech on the political outlook at Whitsuntide, delivered by the Right Hon. Sir H. Campbell-Bannerman, G.C.B., M.P., at the first annual meeting of the Northern Liberal Federation, at Darlington, on May 24th, 1902.
    • Politika Angliikak istochnik mirovykh biedstvii 

      Borokhovicha, Ia L. (Smolensk : Tipo-litografiia gaz Smolensnii, 1900)
      Russian pamphlet on the Anglo-Boer War.
    • La politique Boer : faits et documents en reponse au Docteur Kuyper 

      Guyot, Yves, 1843-1928 ([Paris] : Aux bureaux du "Siecle", 1900)
    • Portugals houding in den oorlog tusschen Engeland en de Zuid-Afrikaansche Republieken 

      Wattel, H. M. J.
      Dutch pamphlet (with French translation) explaining the attitude of Portugal towards the war between England and the South African Republics.
    • A pottery man's journal of the siege of Kimberley 

      Bradley, John (Cape Town : Townshend, Taylor and Snashall, 1900)
      Pottery man, John Bradley's personal narrative of the siege of Kimberley.
    • Pour les Boers 

      Halley, Fernand (Rouen : Bibliotheque de la "Revue Picarde & Normande", 1902)
      French poetry on the Anglo-Boer War.
    • Pour les Boers 

      Briet, Lucien, 1866- (Paris : A. Taride, 1902)
      French poetry on the Anglo-Boer War.
    • Pour les Boers 

      Fays, Vito (Paris : Leon Vanier, 1900)
      French poetry on the Anglo-Boer War.
    • Les pratiques anglaises dans la guerre terrestre 

      Merignhac, Alexandre, 1857-1927 (Paris : A. Pedone, 1901)
      French pamphlet on the Anglo-Boer War.
    • Precis of information concerning Southern Rhodesia 

      Dawkins, Charles Tyrwhitt, 1858-; Great Britain War Office Intelligence Division ([London : Great Britain War Office Intelligence Division], 1899-01)
      Major Charles Tyrwhitt Dawkins' summary of information concerning Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), compiled from official documents, the reports of well-known travellers and other reliable sources in the Intelligence Division ...
    • Present events and future policy 

      Campbell-Bannerman, Henry, Sir, 1836-1908 (London : Liberal Publication Department, 1902)
      Speech delivered by the Right Hon. Sir H. Campbell-Bannerman, G.C.B., M.P., at Leicester, on February 19th, 1902 on present events and future policy in the House of Commons.