Stellenbosch, Ida's Valley Homestead
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1854Format Extent
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North-East of the center of Stellenbosch lies an area that is known as Ida’s Valley. One of the main estates in the area is the Homestead, where there are two bells. In the garden behind the main building stands a rather large bell tower in which hangs a simple bell that reminds us of the steel bells of the Ohio C.S. Bell Company. However, a closer look reveals a number of small differences. The nose of the bell is rounder than that of the Bell bells. Moreover, the bell doesn’t show signs of rust, something that happens with all of the Ohio bells. A third difference is that there is a hook at the clapper. Altogether, it looks like this is a ship’s bell. The high, sharp sound provides further support for this suggestion. However, there are no decorations on the bell that might have referred to founder or founding date. The second bell ended up in the stables of the complex after it cracked while hanging in the bell tower. Indeed, a severe crack above the sound bow runs around more than half of the bell. Despite this crack, the bell is still a pretty object. Between two pairs of moulding rings stands the year of founding 1854. The last two digits are substantially larger than the first, suggesting that they might have been added later. On the reverse side is an effigy of a small bell, showing two rings below the shoulder and another two at the sound bow. On the bell itself are three more moulding rings above the sound bow and two above the lip. Given the year of founding and the position of the moulding rings, we expect the bell to be a British product, with the Whitechapel Foundry as the most probable candidate.
- Stellenbosch [39]