• Die wonings in die Vaderhuis 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Funeral service held in honor of B. Boonzaaier at Wellington Dutch Reformed Church.
    • Die onvermydelike vraag 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Sermon held at Wellington Dutch Reformed Church entitled, "The unavoidable question".
    • Die opstanding en die lewe 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Easter Sunday Resurrection sermon held at Loxton entitled, "The resurrection and life".
    • In die mag van die gewoonte 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Sermon held at Loxton entitled, "In the power of custom".
    • Die Heilige Gees en die gebed 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Pentecost sermon held at Loxton entitled, "The Holy Spirit and the prayer".
    • Die gebed van Gods kind 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Sermon held at Loxton entitled, "The prayer of God's child".
    • Die klop op die deur 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Sermon held in preparation of Pentecost at Loxton entitled, "The knock on the door".
    • Die nuwe lewensgebod 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Thanksgiving sermon held in preparation of Communion at Wellington Dutch Reformed Church entitled, " The new lives commandment".
    • Die vrug van die Gees 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Thanksgiving communion sermon held at Wellington Dutch Reformed Church entitled, "The fruit of the Spirit".
    • Terug na die Vaderhuis 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Sermon held at Wellington Dutch Reformed Church entitled, "Back to the house of the Father".
    • Gethsemane 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Passion tide sermon held at Wellington Dutch Reformed Church entitled, "Gethsemane".
    • Die vrees van die Heer die beginsel van die wysheid 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Sermon held at Wellington Dutch Reformed Church entitled, "That fear of the Lord the principle of wisdom".
    • Begrafnis van oom Klaas Vos 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Funeral service held at Wellington Dutch Reformed Church in honor of uncle Klaas Vos.
    • Die toetsvraag aan die Christen 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Sermon held at Loxton in preparation of Communion entitled, "The test question to the Christian".
    • Steek jou hand in jou boesem 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Prayer day sermon held at Loxton entitled, "Put your hand in your bosom".
    • 'n Rein hart 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Sermon held at Wellington Dutch Reformed Church entitled, "A clean heart".
    • Wag in Jesus totdat 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Pentecost sermon held at Wellington Dutch Reformed Church entitled, "Wait in Jesus until".
    • Verlore voorregte 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Sermon held at Loxton entitled, "Lost privileges".
    • Vader, vergeef hulle 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Passion tide sermon held a Wellington Dutch Reformed Church entitled, "Father, forgive them".
    • Terug na Jesus 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Ascension sermon held at Loxton entitled, "Back to Jesus".