• Nood aan twee strome verbind 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Youth talk held at Melville Johannesburg entitled, "Emergency connected to two streams".
    • Die nood van die sending 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Missionary sermon held at Vanderbijlpark entitled, "The need of the mission".
    • Die nood van die sending 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Pentecost sermon held at Potchefstroom entitled, "The need of the mission".
    • Die nood van ons tyd 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Sermon held at Irene entitled, "The need of our time".
    • Die nood van ons tyd en die antwoord van die Heilige Gees 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Pentecost sermon held at Brixton entitled, "The need of our time and the answer of the Holy Spirit".
    • Die noodsaakliheid van gebed 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Catechism sermon held at Pretoria East entitled, "The necessity of prayer".
    • Nou weet ek 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Sermon held at Auckland Park entitled, "Now I know".
    • Noue samewerking geneeshere en predikante 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Youth sermon held for medical students entitled, "Close collaboration of doctors and ministers".
    • Die nuwe aarde 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Sermon held at Loxton entitled, "The new earth".
    • Die nuwe dag 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Sermon held at Aasvoëlkop entitled, "The new day".
    • Die nuwe gebod 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Sermon held at Potchefstroom entitled, "The new commandment".
    • Die nuwe gebod 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Communion sermon held at Aasvoëlkop entitled, "The new commandment".
    • Die nuwe gemeenskap 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Sermon held at Alexandra entitled, "The new community".
    • Die nuwe lewensgebod 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Thanksgiving sermon held in preparation of Communion at Wellington Dutch Reformed Church entitled, " The new lives commandment".
    • Die nuwe lewensgebod 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Communion sermon held at Tiervlei entitled, "The new life commandment".
    • Die nuwe lewensgebod 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Communion sermon held at Loxton entitled, "The new life commandment".
    • Die nuwe ordes en die Christen se antwoord daarop 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Speech entitled, "The new orders and the Christian's answer to it".
    • Die nuwe verbond in my bloed 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Communion service held at Wellington Dutch Reformed Church.
    • Nuwejaarsbede : Gods werk en ons werk 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Sermon held at Aasvoëlkop entitled, "New Year prayers: God's work and our work".
    • Die nylstroom van ons tyd 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Family sermon held at Loxton entitled, "The Nile stream of our time".