Now showing items 1281-1300 of 1509

    • Die opstanding en die lewe 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Easter Sunday Resurrection sermon held at Loxton entitled, "The resurrection and life".
    • Die volmaakte slot 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Good Friday Passion tide sermon held at Loxton entitled, "The perfect conclusion".
    • Die opsoekende liefde van Christus 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Communion sermon held at Carnavon entitled, "The seeking love of Christ".
    • Kan u dit bid 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Passion tide sermon held at Loxton entitled, "Can you pray this".
    • Terug na die Woord 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Sermon held at Loxton in preparation for Communion entitled, "Back to the Word".
    • In die tuin 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Sermon held at Carnavon in preparation of Communion entitled, "In the garden".
    • Smeekbede voor Gods troon 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Thanksgiving day sermon held at Loxton entitled, "Prayer before God's throne".
    • Deur die dood na die lewe 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Passion tide sermon held at Loxton entitled, "Through death to life".
    • Doen dit my na 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Communion sermon held at Loxton entitled, "Do as I do".
    • Die donkerste nag 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Sermon held at Loxton entitled, "The darkest night".
    • U wil geskied 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Prayer sermon held at Loxton entitled, "Your will be done".
    • Laat U Koninkryk kom 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Prayer sermon held at Loxton entitled, "Thy kingdom come".
    • Die gebed van Gods kind 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Sermon held at Loxton entitled, "The prayer of God's child".
    • Herders van sy kudde 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Sermon held at Loxton for the confirmation of catechists entitled, "Shepherds of the flock".
    • Die lammers in sy arms 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Children's sermon held at Loxton entitled, "The lambs in his arms".
    • Die goeie herder 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Communion sermon held at Loxton entitled, "The good shepherd".
    • Die toetsvraag aan die Christen 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Sermon held at Loxton in preparation of Communion entitled, "The test question to the Christian".
    • Steek jou hand in jou boesem 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Prayer day sermon held at Loxton entitled, "Put your hand in your bosom".
    • Die reddende hand 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Poor care sermon held at Loxton entitled, "The saving hand".
    • Saai jou saad in die more 

      Naude, Beyers, 1915-2004
      Children's sermon held at Loxton entitled, "Sow your seed in the morning".