Top Search Terms

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1subject_keyword:Theal, George McCall, 1837-1919 -- Miscellanea37739.77%0.00
2subject_keyword:South Africa -- History -- To 183635737.66%0.00
4author_keyword:Manuscripts Section, Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service32033.76%0.00
5subject_keyword:Freedom of movement -- South Africa -- History25827.22%0.00
6subject_keyword:Leibbrandt, H. C. V24625.95%0.00
7subject_keyword:south africa -- history -- to 183670.74%0.00
8author_keyword:manuscripts section, stellenbosch university library and information service50.53%0.00
9subject_keyword:freedom of movement -- south africa -- history50.53%0.00
10subject_keyword:leibbrandt, h. c. v50.53%0.00


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