• Government's report to the nation 

      African National Congress (ANC); Government Communications (2004)
      Two pages communicating president Thabo Mbeki's report to the nation after ten years of democracy. The information presents the government's efforts in addressing poverty, crime, and concerns of safety and security. The ...
    • Graaff-Reinet 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Article on the town of Graaff-Reinet, written for the newspaper "Die Burger", 23 July 1936.
    • Graaff-Reinet II 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Article on the town of Graaff-Reinet, written for the newspaper "Die Burger", 24 July 1936.
    • Graaff-Reinet III 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Article on the town of Graaff-Reinet, written for the newspaper "Die Burger", 25 July 1936.
    • Gradedag 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Address delivered at a Stellenbosch University graduation ceremony, 14 March 1959.
    • Le grand coquelicot et le petit Boer 

      Le Roy-Villars, Charles, 1871- (Paris : J. Bricon, 1900)
      A tale from the South African war.
    • Die Grauel der Kriegfuhrung in Sudafrika 

      Smuts, Jan Christiaan, 1870-1950 (Berlin : Hermann Walther, 1901)
      German pamphlet on the atrocities of the Anglo-Boer War.
    • Gregory Nthatisi 

      Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa (198?)
      Politician from Orange Free State
    • Groet aan de Hollandsche Boeren in Zuid-Afrika 

      Regt, C. de (Rotterdam : C. de Regt, 1896)
      Dutch poem published in 1896 to support the Boer nation against British imperialism.
    • Grond vir almal 

      African National Congress (ANC) (Community Arts Project, 1994)
      Campaign poster by the African National Congress (ANC) promoting land for all and encouraging voters to vote for the ANC. Three individuals are shown in the foreground casting their vote. Behind them is a man standing in ...
    • Die grondeienaars van Stellenbosch, 1693-1860 

      Van der Bijl, Johannes
      Unpublished research done for Stellenbosch Museum regarding farm owners of Stellenbosch between 1693 and 1860. Includes an edited version by Ockert Malan, compiled in 2000 (vanderbijl_grondeienaars.pdf).
    • Groot-Brittannie en de Zuid-Afrikaansche Republieken 

      Shaw, Courtenay (London : Phipps en Connor, 1900)
      Dutch pamphlet (translated from English) on the relationship between Great Britain and the South African republics.
    • De groot-Nederlandsche Gedachte 

      Es, Willem Johan Louis van, 1886-1943 ('s-Gravenhage : Nieuwe Uitgevers-Maatschappij, 1918)
      Dutch pamphlet on the solidarity of all speakers of the Dutch language.
    • Die Grundung der Boerenstaaten 

      Pfeil, Joachim Graf von; Pfeil und Klein-Ellguth, Joachim Friedrich von, 1857-1924 (Berlin : Deutscher Kolonialverlag, 1899)
      German pamphlet on the establishment of the Boer states.
    • La guerre Anglo-Boer : conference donnee le vendredi 26 avril 1901 a la salle des concerts du Grand-theatre de Montpellier 

      Guibal, Louis (Montpellier : Serre et Roumegous, 1901)
      Lecture on the South African war, Friday 26 April 1901 at the concert hall of the Grand Theater of Montpellier.
    • La guerre Anglo-Boer et la Belgique 

      Du Bois, Albert (Bruxelles : P. Weissenbruch, 1900)
      Extract from: "Revue de Belgique".
    • Guerre de l’Angleterre contre les Boers 

      Le Creps, Arthur (1899-10-21)
      French pamphlet on the Anglo-Boer War.
    • La guerre du Transvaal et les conditions de la paix : par un vieux Suisse 

      Petavel, E.; Petavel-Olliff, Emmanuel (Genève : C.-E. Alioth, 1900)
      French pamphlet on the Anglo-Boer War.
    • La guerre Sud-Africaine 

      Duesberg, Edmond, 1857- (Paris : [s.n.], 1902)
      French pamphlet on the Anglo-Boer War.
    • H. R. Isaacs 

      Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa (198?)
      Northern Province