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dc.contributorBaines, Thomas, 1820-1875
dc.coverage.spatialGraham’s Town
dc.descriptionAppears as plate 2 in Baines’ Scenery and events in South Africa, 1852. Original oil painting in Africana Museum, Johannesburg. A description of Graham’s Town by Baines can be found in Journal of Residence in Africa, 1842-1853 (vol.1) by Thomas Baines. Cape Town, Van Riebeeck Society : 1961, p. 33-34. A description of the buildings pictured in the artwork can be found in the facsimile edition of Scenery and events in South Africa, Cape Town, Balkema : 1977.
dc.description.abstractDepicts three native figures in the foreground looking toward a detailed view of Graham’s Town.
dc.format.extent31 x 47 cm
dc.format.mediumColoured lithographic print on paper
dc.rightsThis item is subject to copyright protection. Reproduction of the content, or any part of it, other than for research, academic or non-commercial use is prohibited without prior consent from the copyright holder.
dc.sourceImage from Hugh Solomon Collection, Africana.
dc.subjectGrahamstown (South Africa) -- Pictorial worksen_ZA
dc.titleGraham’s Town, Division of Albanyen_ZA
dc.rights.holderCopyright Stellenbosch University

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