• The Ashkenazi tradition of Synagogue music 

      Singer, Fay
      Article about the Ashkenazi tradition of synagogue music and the rich musical heritage of the Jews of Europe, which remains largely an untold story.
    • Attitude towards ornamentation 

      Singer, Fay
      Notes on ornamentation and the art of improvisation.
    • Auschwitz 

      Singer, Fay
      Notes on Pavel Haas and Hans Krasa who were both murdered at Auschwitz.
    • Avraham Freid 

      South African Jewish Music Centre (SAJMC)
      Notes for Avraham Freid, 14 August.
    • Bach 

      Singer, Fay
      Notes on J.S. Bach's piano preludes.
    • Bente Kahan 

      Singer, Fay
      Notes on a recording of Bente Kahan's 'Concert in the Jewish Spirit'.
    • Blacking song category 

      Singer, Fay
      Blacking song categories in Yiddish.
    • Board members 

      Singer, Fay
      List of board members at South African Jewish Music Centre.
    • The bone flute from the City of David exhibit 

      Singer, Fay
      Notes on the bone flute from the City of David exhibit. Attached different types of bone flutes and harps. Annotated by Fay Singer.
    • Book of Jonah 

      Singer, Fay
      Lecture notes about the Book of Jonah in the Bible.
    • Book of Ruth 

      Singer, Fay
      Notes on the Book of Ruth in the Bible.
    • Brandenburg 

      Singer, Fay
      Notes on the Brandenburg concerto number three in G major by Johann Sebastian Bach.
    • Braunfels 

      Singer, Fay
      Notes by Fay Singer for examples from Michael Haas's influence of Richard Strauss, Schreker and Korngold.
    • Cape Town Jewish Male Choir 

      South African Jewish Music Centre (SAJMC)
      Confidential proposal to form the Cape Town Jewish Male Choir.
    • Cape Town Jewish Museum evaluation of books 

      South African Jewish Music Centre (SAJMC)
      Cape Town Jewish Museum evaluation of books (for attention Marian Robertson).
    • Celebrating Jewish poetry 

      Singer, Fay
      Notes include music on celebrating Jewish poetry. Annotated by Fay Singer.
    • Choir festival 1995 

      Singer, Fay
      Arrengements for the 1995 Choir Festival.
    • Choir festival 2001 

      Singer, Fay
      Arrangements for the 2001 Choir festival at Herzlia High School Hall.
    • Christ Church Picture Gallery 

      Singer, Fay
      Notes about paintings in the Christ Church Picture Gallery, which includes works from the 14th to 18th centuries.
    • CJSA Birthday pop in with Fay Singer 

      Singer, Fay
      List of piano works for a Cape Jewish Seniors Association: 'Birthday pop in with Fay Singer'.