• Eerste pogings om ’n buitelandse mark vir Suid-Afrikaanse wol te vind 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Article on the early history of the South African wool market written for the magazine "Die Huisgenoot", 15 May 1936.
    • Die eerste Voortrekkers 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Article on the first "Voortrekkers" or pioneers who left the Cape in the early 18th century, before the Great Trek, written for the magazine "Die Huisgenoot", 11 December 1936.
    • Eeu van onreg 

      Reitz, Francis William, 1844-1934 (Kaapstad : Nasionale Pers, 1939)
      A Century of Wrong was issued at Pretoria by the State Secretary F.W. Reitz, on the outbreak of the Anglo-Boer War and possesses a historical value as expressing the views of President Kruger's State Secretary at the moment ...
    • L'Effort de l'Inde et de l'Union Sud-Africaine 

      Chailley-Bert, Joseph, 1854-1928 (Paris : Bloud & Gay, 1916)
      In: L'Hommage français. Publications du Comité "L'Effort de la France et de ses alliés" 5.
    • Eid mubaruk 

      National Party (NP)
      Newspaper advertisement by the National Party (NP) wishing all Muslims well over the holy month of Ramadan. The advertisement is compiled and issued by Marthinus van Schalkwyk.
    • Die eise van die nuwe tyd 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Chairman's address on the demands of a new era, especially with regard to language and the preservation of Afrikaans. Delivered at the FAK (Federasie van Afrikaanse Kultuurvereniginge) Congress, Stellenbosch, 14 July 1966.
    • Ek doen 'n beroep op alle Godvresende, ordentlike, beginselvaste mense om saam die Weskaap van 'n ramp te red 

      Sonn, Franklin (African National Congress (ANC), 1994-03-26)
      Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) presenting a message from Mr Franklin Sonn, rector of the Peninsula Technikon and SABC Board Member, in which he calls upon all "god-fearing, decent, principled ...
    • Ek het nog nie gestem nie want... 

      National Party (NP) (van Schalkwyk, Marthinus, 1994-04-28)
      Newspaper advertisement by the National Party (NP) presenting a yes/no questionnaire that highlights all the negative consequences of not voting as well as the negative consequences of not voting for the NP. The advertisement ...
    • Ek het nog nooit tevore gestem nie. Ek stem nou Nasionale Party 

      National Party (NP)
      Newspaper advertisement by the National Party (NP) presenting a statement of support for the NP from a photographer named, Colin Wainer. The advertisement is compiled and issued by Marthinus van Schalkwyk.
    • Ek is 'n bouer en ek stem Nasionale Party 

      National Party (NP)
      Newspaper advertisement by the National Party (NP) delivering a statement of support for the NP from a builder named, Clement Abrahams, in which he criticises the African National Congress (ANC) and provides reasons for ...
    • Ek is 'n finansiele konsultant en ek stem Nasionale Party 

      National Party (NP) (van Schalkwyk, Marthinus, 1994-04-14)
      Newspaper advertisement by the National Party (NP) delivering a statement of support for the NP from a financial consultant named, Denise Letchumee. The statement expresses her reasons for choosing the NP over the African ...
    • Ek is 'n finansiele konsultant en ek stem Nasionale Party 

      National Party (NP)
      Newspaper advertisement by the National Party (NP) delivering a statement of support for the NP from a financial consultant named, Denise Letchumee. The statement expresses her reasons for choosing the NP over the African ...
    • Ek is 'n man van my mense. Ek stem Nasionale Party 

      National Party (NP)
      Newspaper advertisement by the National Party (NP) presenting a statement of support for the NP from a traditionalist named, David Malatsi. In the advertisement, Mr Malatsi states that the reason behind his support for the ...
    • Ek is 'n onderwyseres en ek stem Nasionale Party 

      National Party (NP)
      Newspaper advertisement by the National Party (NP) delivering a statement of support from an educator by the name of Winnie. The advertisement is compiled and issued by Marthinus van Schalkwyk.
    • Ek is 'n sekretaresse en ek stem Nasionale Party 

      National Party (NP) (van Schalkwyk, Marthinus, 1994-04-15)
      Newspaper advertisement by the National Party (NP) delivering a statement of support for the NP from a secretary named, Yvonne Blount. The advertisement is compiled and issued by Marthinus van Schalkwyk and appears on ...
    • Ek is 'n student en ek stem Nasionale Party 

      National Party (NP) (van Schalkwyk, Marthinus, 1994-04-13)
      Newspaper advertisement by the National Party (NP) delivering a statement of support for the NP by a student named, Beatrice Johnson. The statement expresses her views of and experience with the African National Congress ...
    • Ek is 'n student, ek is die toekoms en ek stem Nasionale Party 

      National Party (NP)
      Newspaper advertisement by the National Party (NP) presenting a statement of support for the NP from a student named, Paulo Andrade. The advertisement is compiled and issued by Marthinus van Schalkwyk.
    • Ek kan nie sonder geskiedenis nie 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Article on the importance of history and what it means to Thom personally, written for the journal "Gister en vandag: tydskrif vir geskiedenisonderrig=Yesterday and today: journal for history teaching".
    • Ek was 'n MK-soldaat, nou is ek by die Nasionale Party 

      National Party (NP)
      Newspaper advertisement by the National Party (NP) presenting a statement of support for the NP from a former uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) soldier. The advertisement is compiled and issued by Marthinus van Schalkwyk.
    • Ek was by die vakunie. Nou's ek by die Nasionale Party 

      National Party (NP)
      Newspaper advertisement by the National Party (NP) delivering a statement of support from Honest Shamase, a former member of the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) in which he recalls his experience with COSATU ...