• Expose de la Situation Financiere & Economique de la Republique Sud-Africaine 

      Unknown author
      Exposé of the financial and economic situation of the Republic of South Africa from 1881-1883.
    • Extract of address at University of Natal 

      Slabbert, F. van Zyl (Frederik van Zyl), 1940-2010
      Extract of address delivered by Dr F. van Zyl Slabbert, M.P., at the University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, about the current wave of unrest.
    • Extracts and Summary : The Local Government Transition Bill 

      Unknown author
      Extracts from the bill regarding the functioning of local transitional councils and forums.
    • F. W. de Klerk 

      Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa (198?)
      Former State President of South Africa
    • Die F.A.K. 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Article on the history and achievements of the FAK organisation (Federasie vir Afrikaanse Kultuurvereniginge).
    • Die F.A.K. en sy huidige taak 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Chairman's address on the mission of the FAK. Delivered at the FAK (Federasie van Afrikaanse Kultuurvereniginge) Congress, Bloemfontein, 7 July 1970.
    • Die F.A.K. veertig jaar : terugblik en toekomsblik 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Chairman's address reviewing the last forty years of the existence of the FAK and looking at the future of the organisation. Delivered at the FAK (Federasie van Afrikaanse Kultuurvereniginge) Congress, Pretoria, 2 October 1969.
    • F.W. de Klerk: die man en sy tyd 

      Slabbert, F. van Zyl (Frederik van Zyl), 1940-2010
      "F.W. de Klerk: die man en sy tyd. Published: Cape Town: Tafelberg, 1991. Book review"
    • En fader 

      Sydafrikanske Fortaellinger (Kristiania : L.E. Tvedte, 1903)
      South African war story.
    • Fakulteit van Geneeskunde, Universiteit van Stellenbosch 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Paper on the history of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University, delivered as memorial lecture at the 25th anniversary of the faculty, 6 August 1981.
    • Fakulteit van Tandheelkunde : persverklaring 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Press release at the founding of the Faculty of Dentistry, Stellenbosch University, 10 May 1962.
    • Fannie Cloete and Mike Mzotoyi 

      Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa (198?)
    • Fatal Imperialism 

      Exoriar (London : Watts & Co., 1902)
      Imperialism and greed, over-excitement, and the homage paid to wealth, that have appeared in the newspapers of January 1st, 1901, are opinions stated by many writers to be in their view the chief dangers of the new century.
    • Fatema Mernissi 

      Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa (1995-05)
      National Endowment for Democracy (NED) conference
    • Features of the Thatcher Legacy : A Theological Critique 

      Fraser, Ian M.
      A paper evaluating the major features of the Margaret Thatcher legacy by means of the discipline of Theology.
    • Fight intolerance, vote DP 

      Democratic Party (DP)
      Campaign poster by the Democratic Party (DP) featuring large black text instructing South Africans to fight intolerance and the ANC by voting for the DP. The poster is framed by a yellow border with the DP logo appearing ...
    • Fikile Bam 

      Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa (198?)
      Judge in the Supreme Court of South Africa
    • Final questions for a new constitution 

      Slabbert, F. van Zyl (Frederik van Zyl), 1940-2010
      Article for the Pretoria News regarding final questions for a new constitution.
    • Financial Mail 

      Slabbert, F. van Zyl (Frederik van Zyl), 1940-2010
      Poses the question where real opposition to Government lies after five years as a democracy under a predominantly Liberal Democratic constitution; factors that constrain the decisions of Government are the internal divisions ...
    • For the people of the Western Cape, there is only one choice 

      African National Congress (ANC) (African National Congress (ANC), Western Cape, 1994-04-23)
      Newspaper advertisement by the African National Congress (ANC) presenting a message from Dr Allan Boesak in which he expresses the significance of voting on the 27th April 1994. Dr Boesak appeals to the people of the Western ...