Browsing HB Thom Collection by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 399
Die Geloftekerk, Pietermaritzburg
(1949)Manuscript of chapter 1, "Die Geloftekerk", of the book "Die Geloftekerk en ander studies oor die Groot Trek" by HB Thom, Cape Town : Nasionale Pers, 1949. This chapter discusses the issue around the Voortrekker Memorial ... -
Ons eer hul nagedagtenis : prof. F.D. du T. van Zijl
(1971-04-01)In memoriam article on Prof Fransie van Zijl, former Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University. Published in journal "Matieland", 1 April 1971. -
V.S.A.-skole het ’n les vir ons
(1973-06-22)Article on schools and eduction in the United States of America. Published in the magazine "Die Huisgenoot", 22 Junie 1973. -
Oom Jannie Marais
(1978-08)Article on Jannie (Johannes Henoch) Marais and the Het Jan Marais Fund and its legacy at Stellenboch University in the journal "Pro-Nat", August 1978. -
“…’n Verligte despoot”
(1981-05-18)Interview for "Die Matie" student newspaper, 18 May 1981, on Thom's time as rector of Stellenbosch University. -
Nuwe historiese werke
A discussion (radio talk) of new books published on South African history, July 1952. -
Die nuwe Wilgenhof
Article on the construction of the new building for Wilgenhof mens' residence, Stellenbosch University, written for "Die Burger" newspaper, 22 March 1963. -
Die betekenis van die Hugenote
Summary of an address on the meaning of the Huguenots, delivered at an annual function of the Huguenot Society of South Africa, 23 August 1969. -
New Years' message (radio talk) on behalf of the FAK (Federasie vir Afrikaanse Kultuurvereniginge), 1954. -
Suid-Afrikaanse Kroniek, 1949
Chronicle of main events regarding historiography in South Africa in 1949, including studies undertaken and books published. -
Die ekonomiese beleid van die Kompanjie
Article on the economic policy of the Dutch East India Company. Includes contents page and bibliography. -
Die eerste Voortrekkers
Article on the first "Voortrekkers" or pioneers who left the Cape in the early 18th century, before the Great Trek, written for the magazine "Die Huisgenoot", 11 December 1936. -
Fundamentele denke
Opening address on the preservation of Afrikaner culture delivered at the ATKV (Afrikaanse Taal- en Kultuurvereniging) Congress, Kroonstad, 28 April 1970. -
Positiewe Afrikanerskap
Opening address on Afrikaners in Rhodesia, delivered at the Congress of the "Genootskap van Rhodesiese Afrikaners", Salisbury, 2 October 1970. -
Die plek van ons ekonomiese strewe in die patroon van ons kultuurlewe
Chairman's address at the annual Afrikaner Broederbond Council ("Bondsraad") meeting 1956. The address focuses on the economic aspirations of the Afrikaner. -
Ons huidige taak in verband met taalhandhawing
Chairman's address on the preservation of the Afrikaans language. Delivered at the FAK (Federasie van Afrikaanse Kultuurvereniginge) Congress, Bloemfontein, 1 October 1958. -
Die Hugenote : Calvyn en die opkoms van Protestantisme in Frankryk
Radio talk on Calvin and Protestantism in France. Forms part of a series of informative radio talks for secondary school learners. -
Huldigingsrede : wyle prof. G.G. Cillie
Tribute to Gabriel Gideon Cillié (1870-1958) delivered at the inauguration of the G.G. Cillié Building for Education, Stellenbosch University, 22 September 1970.