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dc.contributor.authorMarloth, R. (Rudolf), 1855-1931
dc.contributor.illustratorSmith, Esther, 1878-1954
dc.contributor.illustratorMcManus, Peter
dc.contributor.illustratorDixie, Ethel May, 1876-1973
dc.descriptionAsclepiadaceae. A. Cynanchum obtusifolium L. f. 1. Flowering twig. 2. Flower. 3. Gynostegium (column with stamens). 4. Stamen without the pollinia. 5. Two pollinia (from two adjoining anthers). B. Microloma tenuifolium (L.) K. Schum. Small twig. C. M. glabratum E. Mey. Small twig. D. Sarcostemma viminale (L.) R. Br. 1. Piece of flowering stem, the calyx of the flower not visible. 2. Column with double corona. 3. Stamen and lobe of inner corona, seen from within. E. Asclepias rotundifolia Mill. 1. Flowering twig with visiting fly and moth (Sozusa scutellata). In the centre of the umbel a yellowish crab-spider. 2. Foot of moth with pollinia adhering, 5/1. F. Raphionacme divaricata Harv. var. glabra N. E. Br. Small plant.
dc.description.abstractPlate 20 from The flora of South Africa (vol. 3, part 1) featuring Asclepiadaceae.en_ZA
dc.format.extent1 plate
dc.format.mediumWater colour, ink and pencil on paper
dc.rightsThis item is subject to copyright protection. Reproduction of the content, or any part of it, other than for research, academic or non-commercial use is prohibited without prior consent from the copyright holder.
dc.sourcePlate from Rudolf Marloth Collection (MS 326), Manuscripts Section
dc.subjectMarloth, R. (Rudolf), 1855-1931en_ZA
dc.subjectBotany -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectWild flowers -- South Africa -- Pictorial worksen_ZA
dc.subjectFlowers -- South Africa -- Pictorial worksen_ZA
dc.subjectSmith, Esther, 1878-1954en_ZA
dc.subjectMcManus, Peteren_ZA
dc.subjectDixie, Ethel May, 1876-1973en_ZA
dc.subjectWild flowers -- South Africa -- Identificationen_ZA
dc.subjectFlowers -- South Africa -- Identificationen_ZA
dc.subjectAsclepiadaceae -- South Africa -- Pictorial worksen_ZA
dc.subjectAsclepiadaceae -- South Africa -- Identificationen_ZA
dc.rights.holderCopyright Stellenbosch University

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