• Cape gables 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawing of Cape gables, depicting CAPE-DUTCH: Cape Town early 18th century Cape 1756 (Curvilinear (Cook)), Amsterdam c.1700, Mamre, Elsenburg 1761 (Concavo-convex (Cook)), Morgenster stable 1779, Spier 1778 (Baroque ...
    • Development of Cape gables 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawing of the development of Cape gables, depicting detail of the florid type, Stellenbosch (Meerlust 1776, Spier 1778 and Nooitgedacht 1774), the triangular pediment type, Drakenstein (Hoop of Constantia, old Parsonage ...
    • Diagram showing the relationship between the principal timbers and the wall-anchors 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawing of a diagram showing the relationship between the principal timbers and the wall-anchors, depicting detail of a ridge tree, purlins, tie beams and joists.
    • End gables 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawing of end gables, depicting detail of an early straight type at Stellenberg, a concavo-convex type at Meerlust, a late straight type (after Cook), a baroque type at Morgenster, a late straight type fish-tail cap (after ...
    • Josephine Mill, hip-rafter, angle-tie and dragon-beam of the hip 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawing of a hip-rafter, angle-tie and dragon-beam of the hip at the Josephine Mill.
    • Mariendahl, plan of Moeders-bewys, Albion Mill 

      Krynauw, D.
      Drawing depicting a plan of Mariendahl, Moeders-bewys, Albion Mill and other properties belonging to the estate of the late Jacob Letterstedt.
    • Mariendahl, plan of the buildings in 1863 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawing of a plan of the Mariendahl buildings in 1863 (from a plan by Willem de Smidt Junior), depicting detail from Newlands Spring of a garden, stables, Distiller's house, a cistern, a manager's house, Mariendahl house, ...
    • Mariendahl, plan showing the watercourses and pipes to and on the estate 

      De Smidt, Willem, 1833-1899
      Drawing of a plan showing the watercourses and pipes to and on the estate Mariedahl (Mariendahl), June/July 1863.
    • Niet Gegund (Stellenkloof) lime-kiln, remains 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawing of the remains of the Niet Gegund (Stellenkloof) lime-kiln, Stellenbosch.
    • Plan and section of the Heerenlogement wolwehok 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawings of a plan and section of the Heerenlogement wolf trap, depicting detail of a dropstone door, iron bars, a thong and peg bait.
    • Plan of Mariendahl 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawing of a plan of Mariendahl, depicting detail of the Liesbeek River, a dam, Wynberg Road, a mill, a brewer's cottage, a gardener's cottage, an engine room, a bath, a brewery, a manager's house, a garden, stables, a ...
    • Plan of the lime-kiln at Booiseskerm, Bordjiesdrif, Cape Point 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawing of a plan of the lime-kiln at Booiseskerm, Bordjiesdrif, Cape Point, depicting detail of a travertine quarry above, a ramp, a loading platform (A), a south opening, a north opening, lime discharged (B) and section A-B.
    • Plan of the Mariendahl buildings in 1863 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawing of a plan of the Mariendahl buildings in 1863 (from a plan by Willem de Smidt Junior), depicting detail from Newlands Spring of a garden, stables, Distiller's house, a cistern, a manager's house, Mariendahl house, ...
    • Plan of the remains of the Klein Zoar lime-kiln 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawing of a plan of the remains of the Klein Zoar lime-kiln, depicting detail of plaster, rubble, clay and bricks.
    • Plan of the remains of the Klein Zoar lime-kiln 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawing of a plan of the remains of the Klein Zoar lime-kiln, depicting detail of plaster, rubble, clay and brick.
    • Plan of the Ryssel wine cellar 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawing of the Ryssel wine cellar, Worcester, depicting detail of 2 troughs, 2 feeding stalls, livestock, 2 outshuts, tanks, oak vats, 6 openings ot underground vats and the original wine cellar.
    • Plans of the Josephine Mill 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawing of the plans of Josephine Mill, depicting foundations of the earlier mill, the Josephine Mill, outshuts, additions between 1863 and 1888 and additions 1986. The first floor depicts detail of steps down, 2 wooden ...
    • The Tulbagh dominee's wine cellar 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawing of the Tulbagh dominee's wine cellar.