• Prof. G.G. Cillie 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Address delivered at the event of the naming of a lecture hall in the Education Building, Stellenbosch University, after Gabriel Gideon Cillié, 26 May 1953.
    • Prof. J.S. Marais : begrafnis 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Address on behalf of Stlellenbosch University at the funeral of Prof. JS Marais, 29 November 1953.
    • Professor Hans Trumpelmann : gedagtes rondom sy uittrede 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Article written for "Matieland", April 1973, on the retirement of Prof Hans Trümpelmann, former Head of the Department of German at Stellenbosch University.
    • Professor S.J. Pretorius 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Article on the retirement of Prof SJ Pretorius, former Registrar of Stellenbosch University, written for "Matieland", December 1966.
    • Radio-nuwejaarsboodskap namens F.A.K. 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      New Years' message (radio talk) on behalf of the FAK (Federasie vir Afrikaanse Kultuurvereniginge), 1953.
    • Rapportryers, Gravelotte 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Notes for a lecture on the FAK (Federasie van Afrikaanse Kultuurvereniginge) before the Rapportryers organisation.
    • Re afstigting Montagu (13 Junie 1949) 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Lecture delivered at the establishment of the Afrikaner Broederbond branch at Montagu, 13 June 1949.
    • Rede ter geleentheid van die heropening van die akademiese jaar, Militere Akademie 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Address on the history of the Military Faculty of Stellenbosch University, delivered at the start of the new academic year, Saldanha, 28 January 1983.
    • Repliek deur H.B. Thom : D.F. Malan-medalje vir Volksdiens 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Thom's reply on receipt of the DF Malan medal for Service to the Nation from the Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns, 26 June 1975.
    • Report on a visit to American and Canadian universities, August 1955 – February 1956 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Report of a visit to 32 American and Canadian Universities on a travel grant from the Carnegie Corporation of New York.
    • Republiekdag 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Notes for a Republic Day address, Oudtshoorn, 30 May 1963.
    • Die rol van die Hugenote-vrou 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Address on the role of the Huguenot woman, delivered before a VLV (Vrouelandbouvereniging) meeting, 16 August 1939.
    • SABRA-Kongres 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Opening address at a South African Bureau of Racial Affairs Congress, 29 April 1958, Stellenbosch.
    • Sinode van die N.G. Kerk in Suid-Afrika 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      A message of good wishes from Stellenbosch University to the Synod of the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa, Cape Town, 30 October 1957.
    • Skool en lewe 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Article about Thom's schooldays in Burgersdorp, what he was taught and the influence it had on his life.
    • Skool en universiteit 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Address on schools and universities, delivered at a graduation ceremony of the University of South Africa, 3 May 1969.
    • Sluitingsfunksie van die Kerninstituut van die Suidelike Universiteite 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Address delivered at Southern Universities Nuclear Institute closing function, Faure, 31 March 1983.
    • Die staat en die universiteit : terugblik en vooruitskouing 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Paper on the history and future of the state and the university, delivered at a symposium of the University of South Africa, 18 September 1980.
    • Staat en universiteit 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Address on state and university delivered at the opening of the new academic year, University of Port Elizabeth, 5 February 1982.
    • Staatkundige invloede van die Calvinisme 

      Thom, Hendrik Bernardus, 1905-1983
      Address on the political influences of Calvinism, delivered in Stellenbosch before the "Calvinistiese Bond", 3 September 1940.