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dc.contributor.advisorMaguire, Brianen_ZA
dc.coverage.spatialTakatswane camp
dc.identifier.other2.45 Photos B.Maguire, Kalahari, Book 1, 28/11/1968- end of 12/1968
dc.description457_bw_0075.jpg derived from archival TIFF file. Digital copies were created from a selection of items in the Maguire San Ethnobotanical Collection (MS 457) held in the Manuscripts Section of the Stellenbosch Library and Information Service Collection.en_ZA
dc.format.extent1 black and white slide
dc.rightsThis item is subject to copyright protection. Reproduction of the content, or any part of it, other than for research, academic or non-commercial use is prohibited without prior consent from the copyright holder.
dc.sourceMaguire San Ethnobotanical Collection (MS 457)
dc.subjectGrewia flava
dc.subjectBrandy bush
dc.subjectWild currant
dc.subjectTerminalia sericea
dc.subjectLebombo cluster-leaf
dc.subjectAcacia luederitzii
dc.subjectBalloon-thorn acacias
dc.subjectLonchocarpus nelsii
dc.subjectLonchocarpus lucens
dc.subjectBoscia albitrunca
dc.subjectShepherd's tree
dc.subjectTakatswane -- Botswana
dc.titleTakatswane camp of H.J.Heinz, vegetaion dominated by Grewia flava, Terminalia sericea (shrubby), Acacia luederitzii, !gola, A.giraffae, A. detinens, Lonchocarpus nelsii, Boscia albitrunca (ǂkun OR ǂkan (Maguire 1968) later verified by Traill (2018) as ǂqhūn) and very little else. Very little Zizyphus, no Combretum apiculatumen_ZA
dc.rights.holderCopyright Dr JM Maguire

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