• Letter 

      Coates, Albert, 1882-1953
      Correspondence with Vera de Villiers [Vera Coates]. Letter from Elsabie. Personal. Addressed to "Darling Mummy".
    • Letter 

      Coates, Albert, 1882-1953
      Correspondence. General. Letter from Philip Bateman, drama critic, Cape Argus to E. Daneel, thanking her for her kind response to Coates opera review written by Philip Bateman. Signed in blue ink.
    • List of vocal works by various composers 

      Coates, Albert, 1882-1953
      Notes. List of works by various composers [for programme]. Written on blue writing paper with letter head: 1, Cambridge Gate, Regent's Park, N.W.1.
    • Little Alfie 

      Coates, Albert, 1882-1953
      Orchestral works. Piano score. Sketches.
    • Little Alfie 

      Coates, Albert, 1882-1953
      Orchestral works. Piano score. Draft.
    • Little Alfie 

      Coates, Albert, 1882-1953
      Orchestral works. Little Alfie. List of orchestral parts. 2 items.
    • The Lord's prayer 

      Coates, Albert, 1882-1953
      Vocal music. Songs. Vocal score. Arrangement.
    • Manuscript books 

      Coates, Albert, 1882-1953
      Manuscript books. With sketches. Annotations.
    • Manuscript books 

      Coates, Albert, 1882-1953
      Manuscript books. With exercises.
    • Manuscript books 

      Coates, Albert, 1882-1953
      Manuscript books. With sketches.
    • Melbourne 

      Coates, Albert, 1882-1953
      Notes. Work lists and performances conducted by Albert Coates. Programme. Details of performances in Melbourne and Sydney. Duration of works indicated.
    • Miscellaneous sketches 

      Coates, Albert, 1882-1953
      Miscellaneous sketches. These sketches include the following references: 3rd movement; I never liked to talk to women + why I dislike doing it now; March.
    • Miscellaneous sketches 

      Coates, Albert, 1882-1953
      Miscellaneous sketches. These sketches include the following references: Snow beginning; Guerilla march.
    • Miscellaneous sketches 

      Coates, Albert, 1882-1953
      Miscellaneous sketches.
    • Miscellaneous sketches 

      Coates, Albert, 1882-1953
      Miscellaneous sketches. These sketches include the following references: New Russian; Scherzo 1942; Easter morn; Tchaikovsky; Bach.
    • Miscellaneous sketches 

      Coates, Albert, 1882-1953
      Miscellaneous sketches.
    • Miscellaneous sketches 

      Coates, Albert, 1882-1953
      Miscellaneous sketches. Annotations.
    • Miscellaneous sketches 

      Coates, Albert, 1882-1953
      Miscellaneous sketches.
    • Morning, high noon and evening 

      Coates, Albert, 1882-1953
      Notes. "Morning, high noon and evening". Albert Coates reminisces about his family and youth years.
    • Morning, high noon and evening 

      Coates, Albert, 1882-1953
      Notes. Articles, lectures and speeches by Albert Coates. Article. "Morning, high noon and evening". Incomplete. In brown folder, inscribed: "Bokkie's Eng years; V.C. [Vera Coates]".