• Bird figures 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawing of bird figures, depicting detail of (a) Groote Schuur, Cape Town, (b) soapstone Acropolis, Zimbabwe (South African Museum, Cape Town), (c) South African Museum, Cape Town, (d) Philips ruins, Zimbabwe (National ...
    • Bushman settlement 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawing of a Bushman settlement (after Backhouse).
    • Coastal caves and rock shelters 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawing of coastal caves and rock shelters. A section of Oakhurst shelter, George (thick lines indicate extent of complete protection), depicts detail of rain strike, a sterile, a drip, forest humus and a talus. The plan ...
    • Distribution pattern of African hut types 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawing of the distribution pattern of African hut types, depicting detail of rectangular huts (hipped and gable roofed) and circular huts (beehive and cone-on-cylinder).
    • Early Sotho-Tswana ironwork 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawing of early Sotho-Tswana ironwork, depicting detail of razors at Barolong and Bahurutse (Buispoort), Bamangwato arrow heads, axe-heads (Heilbron), Krugerskraal (Heilbron), a Mosotho woman with a hoe, Leghoya (Willowglen, ...
    • Early Sotho-Tswana pottery 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawing of early Sotho-Tswana pottery, depicting detail of stamped ware at Magaliesburg, Doringberg, Aasvoelkop and patterned-rim pottery at Qoaling, Kalkoen and the Natal Coast.
    • Granaries 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawings of granaries, depicting detail of the sesiu (Sotho), sesigo (Kalahari), Tlapin, etambo lomanda (Kuanyama Ambo), sefala (Khatla), dura, tsapi, budya, pala (Tebele), Karanga, Sebopi and Ghoya.
    • Implements from coastal sites 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawings of implements from coastal sites, depicting detail of Smithfield A implements (Umgazana Cave), Smithfield B implements (Oakhurst shelter), Smithfield C implements (Oakhurst), Skipskop Cave and Wilton implements ...
    • Ingots 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawings of ingots, depicting detail of handa rimmed (Mpofu River), handa wide (Katanga), handa narrow (Zimbabwe), kwena mu-tsuku (Magaliesburg) and kwena tin ingot (Blaauwberg).
    • Later stone age migration routes 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawings of cave paintings of bored stones in use and of a map of later stone age migration routes based on the distribution of bored stones (after Goodwin), depicting detail of circular-section stones, elongated stones ...
    • Mapungubwe occupation area 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawing of Mapungubwe occupation area, depicting detail of 2 middens, a hut, a buttress, steps, wall of 2nd hut, hut no. 1, floor of 3rd hut, floor of 1st hut, 6 granaries, 2 monoliths, 3 curbs, 2 mortars, hut no. 2, hut ...
    • Nuba ring homesteads 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawings of Nuba ring homesteads (plans not to scale, after Nadel), depicting detail of a Korongo homestead (2 granaries, grinding stones, beer pots, a store hut, a sleeping hut of a wife at confinement, a sleeping hut of ...
    • Sotho stone artefacts 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawings of Sotho stone artefacts, depicting detail of Likatlong, Cornelia, Meerholtzkop (Kroonstad), Putfontein (Heilbron), Ruskraal (Wolmaransstad), thong scraper (Roodewal, Pietersburg), one-handed quern stone at Sedan, ...
    • Sotho-Tswana settlement in South Africa 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawing of a map of the Sotho-Tswana settlement in South Africa, depicting detail of the Limpopo River, Bangwaketse, Kurrechane, Bahurutse, Marico River, Bakwena, Barolong, Red Tamahas, Batlapin, the Vaal River, Leghoya, ...
    • Southern Rhodesian ruins hut types 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawings of Southern Rhodesian ruins hut types, depicting detail of hill ruin (Khami, hut cb2), hut in valley (Khami with a pole), hill ruin (Khami, hut cb3 with a post socket), Niamara ruins (enclosure A), passage ruin ...
    • Southern Sotho and Pedi Kraal plans 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawings of the Southern Sotho kraal plans, depicting detail of the Phuting kraal (a pottery hearth, the chief's kraal, bush herds, 3 huts of the 2nd son of the 1st wife, 3 huts of the eldest son of the 1st wife, 5 huts ...
    • Stamping grain 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Photograph and drawings depicting the stamping of grain.
    • Stone dagga pipe bowls 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawings of stone dagga pipe bowls, depicting detail of a dagga pipe, a lugged bowl, a barrel-shaped bowl, a helminthoid-pattern bowl, a Nguni thistle-shaped bowl, a banded-waist bowl, a Swazi lugged bowl, a pierced-lug ...