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dc.descriptionNederduits Gereformeerde Kerk – Stellenbosch West: A very similar bell to NGK Stellenbosch North, but in much better condition can be found in the church of the West Congregation, established in 1952. The tower is low and it was very easy to reach the level where the bell was installed. We include a picture of the yoke on which the founder’s name appears clearly. The bell is almost a copy of that in the Stellenbosch North NGK. But there are a few differences. First of all, the inscriptions on the waist are CAST FOR WILL.W. KEAY & SON CAPE TOWN 1955 indicating that the bell is a few years older. Note also that the text refers to a single son while for the bell in NGK-North more than one son is mentioned. But as can be seen on the founder’s emblem, the bell is less corroded. This helps in retrieving the letters appearing in the emblem of the Whitechapel Foundry in the UK. On the left of the largest bell we find AA above H, pointing at Albert A. Hughes, on the right WA above H, refering to William A. Hughes and in between the two small bells DH, the acronym for Dougles Hughes. These three founders worked together over the period 1950 until 1964.en_ZA
dc.format.extent6 colour photographs
dc.format.extent1 spreadsheet
dc.rightsThese items are subject to copyright protection. Reproduction of the content, or any part of it, other than for research, academic or non-commercial use is prohibited without prior consent from the copyright holder.
dc.titleStellenbosch, Dutch Reformed Church Westen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University

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