Now showing items 61-80 of 97

    • A draught of Cape Bona Esperanca 

      Seller, John
      Coloured chart. Line scale given. Title within decorated cartouche is in top left corner & in top right is an inset of a fort; running across the top of the map is a view of Table Bay. Map has a large decorative scale ...
    • A map of Africa 

      Bowles, John, 1701-1779
      Coloured map. Line scale given. 49x57cm. Inset: Table of the European possessions in Africa. Appears in: A general atlas of Thirty Six new and Correct Maps by Palairet and Others executed by Carington Bowles... 1769.
    • Map of Africa with the latest discoveries 

      De La Rochette, Louis Stanislas D'Arcy, 1731-1802; Wyld, James, 1812-1887
      Coloured map. Line scales given. Insets: Azores or Western Islands. - Observation. This is still basically the De La Rochette map of 1803 but considerably revised since the eds. Of 1803-1855 eg. Transvaal Republic and ...
    • Carte generale de l'Afrique 

      Brue, Adrien Hubert, 1786-1832
      Coloured map. Line scales given. Above top right corner: Atlas, en 65, 56 feuil1es No. 51, 30. In bottom left corner are line scales and a note.
    • Carte du Congo et du Pays des Cafres 

      L'Isle, Guillaume de, 1675-1726
      Coloured map. Line scale given.
    • Map of Africa with the latest discoveries 

      De La Rochette, Louis Stanislas D'Arcy, 1731-1802 (Jas. Wyld, 1841)
      Coloured map. Line scales given. Insets: Azores or Western Island. - Observation. First ed. of this map was pub. by W. Faden in 1803 & a 2nd & later eds. by J. Wyld from 1803 onwards. In this 1841 ed. for the first ...
    • Africae accurata tabula 

      Visscher, Nicolaes, 1649-1702
      Coloured map. Scale not given. Title within cartouche top right, with a negro on either side & 2 angels below. Decorative dedication bottom left, to Gerard Schaep. At foot of map on the right: Cum Privilegio Ordin: ...
    • South Africa 

      Wyld, James, 1812-1887
      Coloured map. Line scale given. First ed. of this map appeared in 1847 but this differs from it, eg. Natal is divided into 4 districts; the northern boundary is taken to the Orange & Vaal rivers. According to the address ...
    • Africa 

      Thomson, John and Co.
      Coloured map. No imprint, no date. This appears to be the same map listed by R. Tooley in his "Collectors' guide to maps of the African continent... 1969, p.117. It was first pub. in 1813 & another ed. with imprint & ...
    • South Africa 

      Wyld, James, 1812-1887
      Coloured map. Line scale given. This ed. has considerable additions to the 1st ed. of 1847 eg. Transvaal Republic is named & the Cape redrawn to show 4 new counties.
    • A new map of Africa from the latest observations 

      Senex, John, d.1740
      Coloured map. Appears in J. Senex: A new general atlas of the world, London, 1721.
    • A new map of Africa from the latest authorities 

      Cary, John, 1754-1835 (J. Cary, 1805)
      Coloured map. Scale not given.
    • A draught of Cape Bona Esperanca 

      Seller, John
      Chart. Line scale given. Proof copy, - lines drawn to guide the lettering are still there.
    • L'Afrique 

      Du Val, Pierre, 1618-1683
      Coloured map. Scale not given. "Possibly from the maps accompanying Du Val's "Geographia universalis", pub. in Nuremberg in 1685", Johannesburg Pub. Lib: Exhibition of decorative maps of Africa up to 1800, 1952, descriptive ...
    • Isle d'Auphine 

      Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1667
      Coloured map. Line scale given. Appears (uncoloured) in E. Klemp: Africa on maps dating from the 12th to the 18th century, 1968 (No. 73).
    • De l'Afrique 

      Unknown author
      Coloured map. Scale not given. On either side of map is a description of Africa in French which is headed "De l'Afrique.” A plain map with no decoration, no title or indication of its author or source. In southern Africa ...
    • Africa vetus 

      Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1667
      Coloured map. Scale not given.
    • Carte reduite du canal de Mozambique et des Isles de Madagascar de France de Bourbon 

      Bellin, Jacques Nicolas, 1703-1772
      Chart. Line scales given. Title within decorated cartouche top left. Plate number top right: No. 92. Stamp in bottom right corner: Depot de la Marine, with the Fleur de lys; below the map is the price - trente Sols. ...
    • A plan of Cape Bona Esperance 

      Huddart, Joseph, 1741-1816 (Laurie & Whittle, 1794)
      Chart. Line scale given. Simple cartouche in centre & above it 6 "Views of the land". There are no decorations but an 8 point compass rose drawn in the bay. Inset: "Advertisement" to right of cartouche, giving information ...
    • Algemeene kaart, van de Colonie de Kaap de Goede Hoop 

      Bouchenroeder, Friedrich, Freiherr von (Mortier Covens en Zoon, 1806)
      Coloured map. Line scale given. This may be an enlargement of the map which appears in B.P. Bouchenroeder: Reize in de Binnenland van Zuid-Afrika, 1803. Mortier Covens en Zoon, 1806.