• De l'Afrique 

      Unknown author
      Coloured map. Scale not given. On either side of map is a description of Africa in French which is headed "De l'Afrique.” A plain map with no decoration, no title or indication of its author or source. In southern Africa ...
    • De Rust 

      Pretorius, Andre, 1935-2006
      Photograph depicting De Rust.
    • De Rust, Doornkraal 

      Pretorius, Andre, 1935-2006
      Photograph depicting Doornkraal farm at De Rust.
    • The death of Haile Selassi 

      Mason, Judith (1974)
    • Decorated Kalanga granary 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawing depicting a decorated Kalanga granary.
    • Decorative jewellery 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawing of decorative jewellery, depicting detail of Thetana, mahalateri mphatlalatsane (Venus), brass, lebanda, naledi and nyao/selemela (Pleiades).
    • Decorative walling and patterned stones 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawing of decorative walling and patterned stones from Khami, depicting detail of Matendere (dentelle and herring-bone patterns and an original doorway), Little Umnukwana (a herring-bone pattern), Khami (a check pattern), ...
    • Depiction of religious legend 

      Onbekend, Nepalees (1900)
    • Dervish II 

      ERASMUS, Nel (1994)
    • Deserted stone kraals 

      Anderson, Andrew A. (Andrew Arthur), fl. 1850-1896
      Photographs depicting deserted ancient stone kraals.
    • Dessin de désagrégation 

      Michaux, Henri (1965)
    • Detail of the method of securing the sport (cross bar) 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawing of the detail of the method of securing the sport (cross bar), depicting detail of a runner, the nose of the runner and a sport (cross bar).
    • Development of Cape gables 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawing of the development of Cape gables, depicting detail of the florid type, Stellenbosch (Meerlust 1776, Spier 1778 and Nooitgedacht 1774), the triangular pediment type, Drakenstein (Hoop of Constantia, old Parsonage ...
    • Development of the Cape house 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawing of plans of the development of the Cape house, depicting detail of Zuurbraak (a fire place, a livingroom and a bedroom), Tulbagh (2 seats, a stoep, a bedroom, a livingroom, a cupboard, a kitchen, 2 steps up and a ...
    • Diagonales Attribut 

      Dahmen, Karl Fred (1978)
    • Diagram showing the relationship between the principal timbers and the wall-anchors 

      Walton, James, 1911-1999
      Drawing of a diagram showing the relationship between the principal timbers and the wall-anchors, depicting detail of a ridge tree, purlins, tie beams and joists.
    • Die Blokhuis 

      Skotnes, Pippa (1980)
    • Die Erfurthuis 

      FOURIE, Hérine (1997)
    • Die geslote deur 

      Meintjes, Johannes (1975)
    • Die Kerkie 

      Skotnes, Pippa (1980)